chapter 3

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Kinn went to the bedroom throw porsche on bed kinn started kiss him while they were stripping each other suddenly kinn stopped shit i..didn't bring condom porsche looked at him it's ok said porsche kissed him after that they were feeling there skin to skin kinn was trusting harder and harder Porsche moaning mess skin slap moaning sound filled in room. 3rd round porsche passed out kinn looked at porsche with a smirk. Kinn's cum dripping from porsche's hole. Kinn went to the bathroom took a shower and cleaned porsche and went to the kitchen bought dinner to bedroom Porsche wake up. porsche woke up saw kinn who was smiling Porsche blushed they had dinner and slept peacefully.

Dad I can't marry her please listen to me i need time kinn was screaming. Time for what kinn do you think I don't know what your doing. I can't accept this kind of relationship just forget him marry her that's it if you go against my word this would be dangerous for that boy who seducing you said korn. Don't you dare to touch him kinn roared. Relax kinn if you go against my word you are not going to pay for that. My reputation is important to me i will do anything for that.

It's been a week kinn didn't come office didn't pick the call. Kinn's manager came to meet Porsche and said porsche your fired. What why sir porsche asked immediately. I don't know porsche this is khun kinn's order said manager. Porsche took is things went out of the office he don't know what's going on.

Kinn messaged porsche to meet him in a restaurant. Porsche looked at the message he got relax finaly he got message from kinn. Evening porsche got ready went to the restaurant kinn already waiting for him porsche went near kinn about hug him kinn pushed him and said sit. Porsche confusingly looked at kinn. Kinn why didn't you porsche didn't finish is word kinn intrupted porsche let's break up porsche stopped he didn't understand what kinn was saying sorry what did you say. I said let's break up i got engaged with a girl. Porsche looked at kinn laughed don't you think this matter too much to prank said porsche. No Porsche this is not a joke I'm serious. Porsche looked at him he can see seriousness in kinn face he was not joking or pranking him. Why what happened porsche asked tear in edge of is eyes i don't want to continue this relationship porsche if you ready i will marry her and i will keep you as my a slap jerk on kinn's face. You told me you never leave me why why are you talking like this kinn please stop this nonsense never ever do something like this said porsche about hug kinn pushed him give a hard slap on porsche's cheek you dare to slap me, see this i got engagement kinn throw photos. Porsche was looking at the photo let's break up said kinn. Porsche didn't say anything he walked out of the restaurant. Porsche took out a pregnancy strip from is pocket and it's positive Porsche was crying is heart out he was happy about is pregnancy he want share this news with kinn. He never thought kinn will leave him this soon. Porsche took cab went is condo he didn't sleep all night while crying thinking.

Morning porsche packed is thing went to is father's house. He just want to stay away from kinn. He and is baby not going to burden to anyone. He Don't want is relationship continue because of the baby.

Continue 🌈

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