"Mmm I mean you right but..."

"Girl you going celibate for the rest of your life? Been there done that and it was hell trust me" she scoffed widening her eyes a lil bit.

"Definately not" I agreed

"Ok so what's stopping you?"

"It has to be with someone I like"

"So Delano"

"What girl no" I smiled turning my head away from her.

"See you blushing too" Kay laughed

I rolled my eyes

"Ok fine so what if I like him. It's not like he likes me."

"Girl I seen the way that man looks at you. He definitely likes you."

"Really like what type of look?" I asked her

"Like the 'she so fine' look"

I smiled to myself

The smoke alarm came on and I sprung up from the couch to check on the leftover pizza oven. I opened it and a whiff of smoke went into my eyes.

"Shit!"  I shut the oven then turned it off

"Kay!" I yelled

"Yeah I'm tryna turn off this stupid smoke alarm"

I walked back into the living room to see her jumping and fanning the smoke alarm with a pillow from off the couch.

"The pizza definately burnt we have to go out to eat."

"Alright let's go then"


After we went out to eat at Red Lobster, we decided to head back home to our own apartment.

Once I got out the elevator I turned the corner and saw a familiar person leaning on my apartment door.

"You look better" I looked him up and down.

"They discharged me from the hospital couple days ago."Ayo spoke, leaning up off the door so I could open it.

"You want to come in?" I opened the door.


"Place still looks the same" he roamed his eyes around.

"Yep" I shut the front door behind me. "You want water, juice?...." I head into the kitchen.

"Nah I'm good"

I got myself a water from the fridge

Ayo joined me in the kitchen and I hopped onto the island.

"So how you been?"

"Ehh I've been good" I shrugged my shoulders.

"And Renae?"

"Yeah she ok" I lied

To be honest I haven't heard from her since she decided to move out a few days ago.

"Thank you for bailing him out" I changed the subject.

"Yeah karma was gonna eventually catch up to me sooner or later" he shrugged his shoulders.

I nodded my head because he was right.

"Still doesn't justify what I did to you tho"

I heavily sighed shaking my head

"Ayo just don't" I held up a hand.

"What I did was wrong and fucking stupid. I regret everything that went down."

"Ayo tell me the real reason why you came here"

"Lydia lost the baby and she moved to Philli"


"We can start over and forget that any of this even happened. We can still get married and have our future that we planned."

"You really hurt me Ayo I can't just easily move past any of this"

"I know that which is why I want to make it up to you. Your birthday coming up real soon I was planning to take you to Mexico." 

Ever since we dated he'd always take me out the country for my birthday. Last year we went to Paris.

"Ayo I'm not sure ab–"

"Trin please" he came closer to me putting his hands on either side of my waist. From here I could see all the guilt in his eyes.

I looked down to his lips 

He then kissed me

Right then and there I could only think of how I missed the feeling of his touch. How good this used to feel.

I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. He lifted me up into his arms and carried me all the way to my bedroom.

This was very wrong but I couldn't stop myself.  I'll I know is I'll definately regret this later.


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