Damn, there goes my heart again.

"I was wondering' if you could help me look for a place?" I asked averting my eyes from the screen.

"Uhh, yeah, I'm off tomorrow. You wanna go tomorrow? I can hit up my real estate agent,"

"Yeah, thank you..." I paused. "Why you always doin' stuff fa me? What makes me worth all this?" I asked.

"Why do you think you're undeserving? Is the real question,"

"It's people way more deservin',"

"It might be, but I don't know them people, I know Malik Taylor, and I know that Malik Taylor is deserving of all the good things life has to offer,"

Our eyes locked for a moment after he said that, I could feel my face heating up. I turned my head quickly, "Thank, you,"

I watch him lick his lips, then grin at me. I feel like the nigga looking down on me even through the phone. "Aight, be ready at eight, I'll be thur ta pick you up,"

"Okay, I'll see you,"

"Aight, bye, Malik,"

"Bye," I hung up the call, exhaling, staring at the ceiling.

"Somethin' weird is happenin' ta me," I said aloud to myself.

Trevon makes me feel weird. I never had a friend like him, maybe that's why.

I wasn't gonna think about it too much though. I have a feeling if I did I wouldn't like the answer too much.

I feel my phone vibrate again, I reluctantly answer it seeing my baby mama's name on the screen. "Wassup, Tash?"

"You gettin' Madison tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, don't I always get her on the weekends?"

"Don't get smart wit me, Malik,"

"Nah, you keep askin' me like ion take care of my kid," I said getting a bit angry. I'm not gonna lie, every time I spoke to Tasha I felt angry. She really hasn't been fuckin' wit me for about a month, and I'm really thinkin' she might be done with us.

"Well, all you do is watch her? How else do you take care of ha, Malik?"

I smacked my lips feeling my anger grow inside of me. "Fuck you mean?"

"I mean when are you gon' help me wit her? Devontae doin' more than you," I chuckled at that, she had me fucked up.

"You gon' go thur? You gon' bring that nigga up like I wasn't in fuckin' prison!" I seethed.

"Ain't nobody make you get locked up, Malik. Ain't nobody force you to rob them people's house,"

"How long you gon' keep holdin' this shit ova my head? I'm out now, and I'm fuckin' tryin'! I been tryna be a father as much as I can. I got a job. I got my first check today finally feelin' like I made somethin' of myself, and of course, you gotta make me feel fuckin' horrible again," My voice started to shake. "What happened to us, Tash? We ain't used to be like this,"

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