Chapter 14. Jungkook's Love

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                                                            JUNGKOOK'S LOVE



"May I come in ma'am?" A female employee knocks and asks for permission to come in.

Dara gestured her to come in without looking at her as she was busy reading some files.

"Good morning ma'am! Ma'am these are contract papers of Min cooperation you asked." she said while handing the file to Dara.

"hmmm... I'm impressed by your work Shook . Within 10 days you've adapted the format i prefer.  " Dara said while reading the file she gave her.

Soon Shook started briefing her about contract papers. Ihrin came to Dara's cabin slamming the door with the wall making a loud thud sound, her face was red in anger.

Both Dara and Shook got flinched. It's rare to see Ihrin in such a bad temper. She's always being calm .

"Do you have some time for me?" Ihrin slammed her palms over the desk.

"Cool down love. Ah Shook you come after 20 min and then brief me about all this." Ihrin rolled her eye on Dara's words , as soon Shook left the cabin, Dara divert her gaze towards Ihrin who was now folded her arms over her chest.

"Where you got vanished yesterday?" Ihrin questioned

"Ummm...I was busy in some important work" Dara replied in dead tone.

"As if I care about your fuckin' important work ." Ihrin scoffed.

"Woo ohhh I never knew that my best friend has got such a bad temper I'm impressed" Dara chuckled at her cute angry bird.

"Okay Ihrin I want you to go on blind date in my place." Dara said earning a disbelief glare from ihrin.

"Are you serious? I can't and why would I go on your fucking blind date." Ihrin was in extreme disbelief and annoyed.

"Please I'm busy today." Dara's made a cute pout

"No way Dara you know the whole situation of mine and Jungkook and you're asking me to go on a blind date."

"Ah don't worry nobody's gonna tell him about this date." Dara tried to convince her.

[Dara – God if she deny to go then mine and joon's whole planning go into the dustbin.]

"Dara it's not the right thing." Ihrin oppose her because really don't want to go on a date with a man who is not Jungkook .

After trying so hard Dara convinced Ihrin to go on a date and she forced her to go home and get ready for the date.


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"Ummm... it's perfect Jungkook." Namjoon moaned in delight as Jungkook cooked ramyeon for both of them.

Soon he served the ramyeon in the plates , both of them sat on the couch, having good time will munching the food.

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"Jungkook I want you to go a blind date on my behalf" namjoon said making Jungkook choke at his food.

"Hyung seriously from when you'd started all this?" Jungkook was in absolute shock.

"Ah it's a long story but will you go for me?" namjoon said scratching his head.

"No not at all Hyung. I can't betray her" Jungkook's tongue slips.

"Betray? To whom you're referring to?" Namjoon widen his eyes at jungkook words.

" No one but still I can't do this"

"Please kook if wasn't fall sick then I would've never asked you to go on this blind date."

"And about the girl you were referring I know who is she?" namjoon winked

"Ahhh... hyung it's not---"

"I know what it is but for now please please please go on that date, I promise it would be a secret between us." Namjoon requested Jungkook

After requesting 50 times Jungkook agreed to go and he really don't want to hide all this but he had no option left.

After Jungkook left namjoon called Dara---- "Everything is set" he said it with a proud smirk. " even I also convinced her to go on a blind date." Dara replied  


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Jungkook stood in front of the mirror watching himself without any expression.

[JUNGKOOK---- Princess I'm sorry this is happening for the first and last time , I'm going on a blind date on behalf of Namjoon's hyung , perhaps only you own Jeon Jungkook's heart. Princess you only deserve my all love , care and attention . You're Jungkook's love princess.❤️]

With this thought Jungkook picks his car keys and left for the venue. 


"Hyung Ihrin left for the venue and within half an-hour she'll reach the venue." She gave the information to her hyung.

"Sure we're also ready for it. Hey tell me does she took her bodyguard 'Mac' with her" he asked

"He's already reached the venue" she replied

"Nevertheless The heartless mafia won't be able to save her best friend." The young man cut the call and smirked on his evilness. 

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