chapter 11. Escaped

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After 2 days of the last incident, Rambo and rive both kept captive in the torture room built secretively in the building of SKY .

After 2 days of the last incident, Rambo and rive both kept captive in the torture room built secretively in the building of SKY 

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Both Rambo and Rive were handcuffed , their body were full of bruises as they were brutally beaten by Steve and Mac.

The temperature of the room is approx. -10°c. Even the blood running in their body went cold. Both Steve and Mac poured boiled water on them which burned their skin causing blisters. Rive cried out in pain and his tears affect Rambo, he filled with rage but he can't do anything.

"Hello boys" Dara's earned their attention with her maniac tone.

"Are you enjoying your punishment." She smirked.

"P-please l-leave u-us . Luke went against your orders we were just puppets . You're the Almighty please forgive us." Rambo plead Dara.

"You know the consequences but still you chose to support him." Her expressions went cold as if those pleads are just vain.

Mac brought her the whip and evilness written all over her face. Rive and Rambo both plead her but she has no mercy. She's just cruel devil for them. She beat them with the whip to the hell.

A phone call interrupted her and she left them in that fucking condition . Steve was about to lock the room but Ihrin came now it's her turn to torture them.

Ihrin command steve and mac to bring big containers and fill it with icy salt water.

She then order them to make rambo and rive sit in those containers. Soon she gave them electric shocks... 


Dara called Ihrin for the lunch. She came back from SKY, gulped down a glass of water and throws herself on the chair. She was mesmerized by the smell of her Favourite meal cooked by Dara.

She loves to eat when Dara cooks for her and today Dara cooked her Favourite 'rice and lentils'. Dara served her as she took the first bite , she was in delight of the taste.

"Ummmm... your cooked food is the fortunate pleasure I've received from God." She moaned in amaze while munching the food.

Dara chuckled at her and patted her head like a kid.

"I know what makes you happy. Ah Jhope hyung called me and invited us for today's dinner." Dara said munching her food. 

"okay. Dara Rive died." Ihrin's said in a dried tone to which not surprisingly Dara just nodded.

" I have to tell you something more Dara" Ihrin's voice filled with tension.

Dara gestured her to speak ahead.

" I-I k-kissed j-jungkook." Ihrin bite her lower lip as her words made Dara cough.

" Are you serious? Are you guys dating?" Dara asked in disbelief.

" no I mean we aren't , it was just that moment and I lost my control" Ihrin panicked a bit.

"So what next then?"

"I don't know Dara I'm confused." Ihrin constantly playing with her fingers.

"There is no way for being confused. It's either you love him or you don't but in both condition don't loose him as your friend. So wash out the awkwardness and talk to him."

"How can you be so sorted. You know how to deal with everything." Ihrin admired Dara

"we usually complicate simple things. There are only two things either deal with the issue or leave it. You can't hang between. We humans mostly scared to deal it but it's more easy to face it then regretting it later." Dara explained Ihrin.

Ihrin agreed to what Dara said and they had more chit chat. Time skips to the evening both the girls went to jhope's house for the dinner. All of them loved Ihrin's and dara's presence. Ihrin keeping Dara words in her mind talked Jungkook and washed out the awkwardness. Everyone enjoyed the dinner and later all of them were playing games.

Dara stood up and went in the kitchen. Seeing her disappearing figure Namjoon followed her.

"Do you need anything" Namjoon asked her making her flinch

"No I was just thirsty, you want something" Dara replied

"Hmmm... just your attention" his words made her blush.

"if you permit can we go on a dat—" his words got cut off by Dara got a call from Steve. 

"I'm sorry joon I need to take this call" Namjoon nodded and waited for her to finish the call but he could see horror grew all over her face.

"Is everything okay" namjoon asked being concerned

"No joon Mr. Lee's Our chief financial officer his wife met an accident and we need to leave right now."

"Okay if you want I can come with you." Namjoon's tone became more comforting but she nodded in no and assured him that she'll take care of everything.

Dara informed ihrin and they both left from jhope's house.


"Rambo escaped from the torture room" Dara spit the truth earning a disbelief glare from ihrin .

" It's fuckin' impossible."

"yes it is but we need to track him and kill him as soon as possible." Mr. Lee said.

Dara was fuming in anger, because of the carelessness of her men.

"For what I pay you huh? Can't you fuckers even manage a vulnerable man. Bloody having fuckin' fat ass brains." Dara her clenched her jaw.

Ihrin asked them to leave as she knew Dara is pissed off to the core and one more rubbish thing happens she would eat all of them alive.

"Boss he was not in the condition to survive it might possible that he would have died after escaping from here." Ms. Serlin said

She the best tracker of the whole mafia empire.

"Of course now THE HEARTLESS MAFIA will work in dilemma." She was annoyed

"I want him , either dead or alive. Mac and Steve get the team ready and search that bastard." Her order is like to set in stone.

She left the room ,closing the door with a loud thud making everyone flinch. 

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