Just as Kidomaru's body grew exponentially after shedding its armor, the shuuki tried to stab Yuuki with its horn. Yuuki grabbed the horn with both hands but was struggling to keep the shuuki back as he was shifting his focus. Soon Kidomaru smirked when it saw that it's horn managed to break Yuuki's balance. However, it was shocked to see that Yuuki managed to catch its horn before impaling him.

"I knew this would work. Focusing all my strength on my mouth paid off. He's all yours, Kyouka-san!!!!"

 He's all yours, Kyouka-san!!!!"

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Mercilessly, relentlessly, beautifully

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Mercilessly, relentlessly, beautifully. Kyouka Uzen didn't stop for one second. Not to let the shuuki catch its breath, not to let the shuuki escape, and not for it to fight back. As she swung her blade numerously and swiftly, all Kidomaru could do was get cut into pieces over and over again.

"It's time......."


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Just as she saw the end of Kidomaru, Shikoku narrowly avoided a broken sword slicing her neck. Seeing this attack miss Nagisa swung his body as he tried to kick Shikoku. The shuuki jumped back and barely managed to dodge the attack. However, Shikoku was shocked when she saw blood escaping from a small cut on her neck. When she looked at Nagisa, she saw blood on his right shoe as her eyes widen in shock.

"He knew I would dodge the kick and instead cut my neck with the heel of his shoe?!"

"That was attempt number two. You still got six more."

As Nagisa said this, he held onto the hilt of his broken sword tightly. Meanwhile, Shikoku couldn't help but sweat a bit. Truth be told, she was barely avoiding these attacks. She needed to get serious quickly or else this boy might actually back up his claim on decapitating her. However, she couldn't seem to move as she saw the boy taking a stance.

"What's wrong? I'm just a man with no powers, remember. What could I possibly do?"

Suddenly Shikoku looked all around her. She didn't know what just happened. It was for a split second, but the moment she took a step forward, it felt like her body was sliced rapidly before she noticed. Yet her body was just fine. Nagisa was still in his stance, his bloodlust slowly getting bigger and bigger.

"Come on. Won't you come ever so closer to this powerless man, Shikoku."

In just a split second, Nagisa was already in front of Shikoku

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In just a split second, Nagisa was already in front of Shikoku. The shuuki did her best to dodge his strikes. Time and time again, the shuuki was forced to let the boy cut other parts of her flesh just so her head wouldn't get cut off.

"Three, four, five..........."

"My right shoulder, my right hip, and my left leg. That strike to my stomach was the sixth attempt. Only one more strike left!!!"

Just as they both thought this, Nagisa and Shikoku prepared themselves. Just as Nagisa swung his left hand, which held his broken katana, Shikoku had already jumped backwards to avoid the attack. However, she was surprised when she saw Nagisa's right hand in a stance that resembled a karate chop.

"Water Breathing, First Form:Water Surface Slash!"

The moment Shikoku dodged his feint with his broken katana, Nagisa put all of his strength into his right hand as he released a horizontal slash at the shuuki

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The moment Shikoku dodged his feint with his broken katana, Nagisa put all of his strength into his right hand as he released a horizontal slash at the shuuki. However, Shikoku had put all her power into her legs as she jumped through the entrance she came from.

As Nagisa saw his target managed to escape, he simply looked at where his attack landed. A large slash mark was deeply engraved into the wall of the hidden village. Soon Nagisa fell down to one knee as he began to breathe heavily. It was bad enough fighting all of the shuuki Koko and Naon used to distract him, but having to fight Shikoku too was exhausting. When Nagisa looked at his right hand, a small smirk appeared on his face as he saw blood stained his fingers.

"Running away when I was about to fulfill my promise to you. You really are a troublesome girl, Shikoku. I'll mark this as my win. After all, what kind of god runs away from a mere human."

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