Jakob hit the carpet facing upward and kipped up in the seconds that followed, putting himself back on his feet. Shaw frowned, grunting when he quickly closed the distance between them and pressed his heel into her tailbone.

"Enough. Last thing you need is another rib injury." Easing off the pressure, Jakob lowered himself to his knees. He straddled her waist, stopping her from moving so much as an inch in any direction. "And I doubt the doc is in the mood to be woken up because my balls need stitching."

"There'd be nothing left to stitch up so I wouldn't worry about that."

Oh, she was stubborn, wasn't she? Jakob grasped her hair again, tugging her head up off the carpet. "I'm going to move, and you're going to sit up on your knees. If I see your hands go anywhere I don't like, the response will be painful."

Elizabeth pulled her knees up under herself as Jakob moved back, sitting upright, keeping her hands where he could see them. He still had hold of her head, preventing Beth from moving any further than she was permitted to.

"You know," Jakob said, "you really need to learn how to fight. This amateur hour shit is going to get you killed one day."

"I have two cracked ribs. Injuries like that aren't very conducive to physical training."

"And yet you keep throwing yourself at me. As flattering as it is, that's not a good way to heal injuries either."

"Fuck you," she spat, the anger in her voice as clear as day.

"If you insist."

"You used me as a distraction so you could shoot them!"

"Yes," said Jakob, letting go of her. He sat back on the floor, propping one knee up and resting his right arm on it. "And you know why I did it. It keeps your asshole brothers out of the way and gives us a clear shot at Dom. No more Hobbs and Shaw to protect him now."

She turned around to face him, glaring, yet the look in her eyes wasn't anger but a glimmer of acceptance. "You could've warned me."

"So you wouldn't have had to listen?"

"What do you think?" Elizabeth winced as she lay back on the floor, pressing her hand to her ribcage. "I've avoided-Fuck, that hurt."

"No shit. You're supposed to be resting and instead you're trying to kick my ass." Jakob moved to her side, gesturing for her to tug her shirt up. Shaw did, lifting it before Jakob began sliding his fingers over each rib. He muttered under his breath, looking more annoyed than anything. "You're lucky it's only muscle soreness."

"Trying being the operative word. Like you said...amateur hour."

"We'll fix that up once you're healed."

"Oh, we will, will we?" A hint of a smirk tugged at her lips as she spoke. "Who said there'll even still be a we by then?"

"I did. Or do you want me to throw you over my shoulder, carry you upstairs, and show you there's a we?"

She let out a short laugh before wincing, propping herself up on her elbows. "I want you to kill Dom, bring this chapter of our lives to a close, and find a hotel with a penthouse suite where we can hole up while everything blows over."

"Whoa, okay, let me write this down. My to-do list was just you up until now, but if I'm going to kill Dom and be stuck in a hotel-"


"You know, we should've had hot, angry sex while you were still pissed. The mood is just ruined now."

"By the fact there's a Fed standing in the corridor?" Elizabeth murmured, gesturing at a shadow stretching out from beneath the door. "Hobbs has been waiting to come through that door and kill you since I kicked it."

An Eye For An Eye (Fast & Furious | Hobbs/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now