Until she wasn't so tired that she couldn't kick his ass as well.

Rolling over in her seat, Letty shoved her jacket under her head, pushed her seat back and got as comfortable as she could. She half-closed her eyes, allowing the familiar rumble of a transport plane to lull her towards sleep. It wasn't quite the same as having her own bedroom onboard the Antonov, but at least she was in her own car.

Safe. Secure. Surrounded by her family.

And stuck on a plane with her on again, off again, does this even mean anything, ex-boss.

"Fuck off," Letty groaned before he could so much as tap on her window. "If it's not life or death, it can wait until morning, unless you want me to throw you off this plane."

"Can we talk?"


"A hundred million dollars, Letty. Just think of it. You could buy the track you've always wanted." It sounded good. Like all his other promises had, but none of them ever came to fruition. Owen Shaw was little more than a snake oil salesman in disguise. "As many cars and bikes as you could build. Refurbish that old shop and run a garage with your husband again."

"Shaw, there hasn't been an us since you threw that photo on the table and shoved the past in my face," Letty snapped. He hadn't pulled her aside or told her about the files beforehand. Instead, he'd embarrassed her. Interrogated her in front of the entire team while Vegh looked at her like she was the real enemy. "I'm not helping you do anything, so walk your ass back to your car before I do something I won't regret."

* * *

It was like being grounded, only this time she was an adult. Elizabeth winced as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her upper body, flinching with every breath she took. Her ribs ached, her chest throbbed - even her ass felt like it'd been repeatedly pummeled.

There wasn't a chance in hell she could keep this up for two weeks without going insane. Forty-eight hours, maybe, but not three hundred. Sitting in her cell in Gitmo had been hard enough knowing that the chance she'd ever leave was slim.

"So what now?" she muttered to herself. Things weren't always what they seemed. Surely there had to be an upside to this; some kind of benefit perhaps. In the very least, she had plenty of time to hit the gym and start getting her strength back. The medic had said no strenuous exercise, but surely lifting dumbbells didn't count. Or soldering. That was something she could do...not that there was anything to solder. "Sudoku? Watch some TV that I can't access?"

With the departure of Toretto and his team, her job was done. They had their equipment, or what she'd put together anyway. The rest of it could be completed by any machinist with half a brain. That meant they had no further use for her. No need of her presence.

Was it any wonder why she was now bedridden and stuck in her room? Whether or not Hobbs wanted to admit it, his "accident" involved awfully convenient timing.

Not that it mattered. Cipher had seemingly known for days what they were doing.

"You know, I wasn't going to say anything but I figured if I didn't, you'd probably stab me with one of these." His feet dangled over the edge of the bed, ankles crossed, and the small collection of knives she'd stashed next to the mattress was now displayed on top of it. "By the way, I saw what you did to your car. Honestly, it's not even that bad. You'll have to smooth out the dents but she runs fine."


"Relax. My eyes are closed. Check for yourself."

Shit! Elizabeth snatched up her shirt from the back of the dining chair and hurriedly pulled it on before adjusting her towel to cover the lower half of her body. How the hell had he broken in? And when? She hadn't heard a single noise. "You're an arsehole."

An Eye For An Eye (Fast & Furious | Hobbs/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now