If he'd looked her in the eye and said 'I'd never ask you to do that', she might have punched him. Letty wasn't about to sit back and allow him to lie to her face yet again.

Instead, he said, "Alright."

"I'm gonna see if one of the medics can't get me a test when we land," Letty said. It'd felt a little weird when she considered asking the medics on base, and she'd refused Elizabeth's offer to leave rather than taking it. Fuck, why hadn't she said yes and jumped in that car? A two hour drive might've solved all her problems. "But so far I'm not craving peanut butter and jalapeños, which means it isn't twins."

His hand clapped over his mouth as Dom chuckled. That had to have been her grandmother's fixation. Letty didn't talk to her Auntie much anymore, not since she'd moved away from Los Angeles, but even he knew the story of the terrible Ortiz sisters. Hell, everyone and their cousins knew it.

"I just didn't think-" Dom looked Letty up and down. "When we talked on Cipher's plane...This is what that was about?"

She nodded. There'd been no easy way to come out with it. God knew she was more than a little scared about having a human being potentially growing inside her. Up until she'd come home and found out Mia'd been pregnant, until she learned Mia was pregnant again, babies weren't a thing for Letty. Period.

Letty's family had always been the people who surrounded her, so there was no reason to expand or change that. Nor any to think that pregnancy was in the cards to begin with since she and Dom had always agreed on the use of contraceptives.


"Yeah, wow," she said awkwardly. As much as she didn't want to be alone with her thoughts, it turned out Letty didn't want to be around Dom's either. "Uh, I'm gonna get some sleep. You should too."

"Sure." Dom climbed out of Letty's Corvette and closed the door. "See you in the morning?"

"Uh-huh." It'd gone better than she thought it would, but Letty had a feeling his words were going to haunt her. A baby? She didn't even know if the pregnancy was real, and any test could easily come up with a false positive. Until her stomach swelled and tiny feet kicked the shit out of her ribs, there was no reason to get their hopes up. "Night, Dom."

"Bye, Letty."

The moment he walked away, her world returned to being silent. Ramsey was already asleep, Elizabeth wasn't here, and Mia...Mia was hiding. Protecting her children. Stuck on the sidelines, unable to do anything while she anxiously awaited the return of her husband and brother.

Jesus, was that the kind of future that awaited her?

Not that it mattered if they didn't make it out of this alive, and they had to. Marcus needed them.

Letty glanced out at the rest of the team, making sure no one was paying attention to her, then lifted the receiver of her radio and depressed the transmit button. "Uh, hi, this is Ortiz." She cleared her throat awkwardly. "Can you patch me through to Base Alpha?"

"No can do, ma'am. They're on lockdown now."

Shit. Not even an hour after they'd left? Did something happen after the plane took off? "Mind if I ask why?"

"A vehicle was found abandoned. Visibly damaged and laying on its roof."

"Whose car?"

"I'm not at liberty to say, ma'am."

Letty scoffed and shoved the receiver into its holder. This wasn't some super secret clubhouse or the Pentagon. Someone could've been injured or worse, and he refused to tell her? Surely Hobbs might know more, but any and all questions would have to wait until morning.

An Eye For An Eye (Fast & Furious | Hobbs/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now