The Caverns of Frozen Corpses

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Bloom was beginning to have his doubts about the Current's use.

He'd been following the cavern for over an hour now- at least if his internal clock was correct- and there wasn't any form of exit in sight. It was all still just stone and ice.

Bloom periodically swapped between his light and flame spell; one for light, and one for warmth.

He had seen nothing but stone ever since he continued forward.

Then he stopped in his tracks as he noticed several small luminescent spots on the walls of the cave as he walked deeper in.

He stepped forward, transferring to his light spell to illuminate the spots. They were small clusters of mushrooms and moss clinging to the cave walls. All of them were glowing a light blue bioluminescent light.

Bloom heard his stomach let out a weak rumble as he approached the mushrooms, but he quickly shook the thought of hunger from his mind. He knew not all mushrooms were poisonous, but he at least knew most were and he would rather not take his chances. Not unless he was literally starving to death.

That being said, it had nearly been a day since he'd eaten. He wasn't aware of what time it was, but the last thing he'd had to eat was this morning. Or yesterday morning. He needed to get out of this cave, it nearly felt like it was warping his sense of time.

Bloom wiped the thought away as he continued forward.

He tried to ignore the mushrooms as he walked by a small cluster of them. But whether it was his eyes altering to the new lights within the cavern or just his imagination, he could have sworn the mushrooms were beginning to glow brighter.

He didn't think much of it as he began to walk passed them. But suddenly he heart a crisp popping sounds next to him as his arm closest to the clump of mushrooms became matted in a thin layer of ice.

The suddenly sensation made Bloom yelp as his light spell faded, making the only light that of the bioluminescent moss of mushrooms. Which he now suddenly found a disdain for.

Bloom stumbled to the side as he moved away from the cluster of mushrooms, only to step a foot into the glowing moss. He tried to lift his foot up from the moss, but it stuck to it as if suctioned in place.

Suddenly, another smaller burst of frost erupted on the wall next to him as another glowing shroom exploded next to his face.

With a grunt, Bloom tore his boot from the sticky moss and ran forward while covering his head with both his arms, leaving enough space for his eyes so he wasn't running blind. Although with the only thing glowing being the things he was trying to avoid, it didn't help much.

More explosions of frost came from the glowing mushrooms as he got too close for them. In the relatively tight corridor it was nearly impossible to avoid every cluster of explosive shrooms. But Bloom could at least run past the smaller, less intense, clusters.

As he ran, Bloom scrapped against sections of the jagged walls in attempts to get as far as he could from the shrooms. But soon, as he leaned against a wall as a burst of frost erupted from across the corridor, he heard a light crumbling sound.

Before he knew it, the wall he was leaning against gave way.

His breath caught in his chest as he felt his body begin to fall. Fortunately he only fell about 10 feet before he collided with a slanted surface and semi-harmlessly tumbled down to level ground.

Bloom groaned as he stumbled to his feet, only to topple to the side and fall again.

Half of Bloom's face, as well as part of one of his arms was numb with frost. With his non-frosted hand he began to shaking produce a light flame above his palm before holding it up to his frozen cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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