The Ancient Ruins

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Ancash had wasted no time in quickly separating from the advisor who was making a futile attempt to keep track of their group. Those mages were weak anyways. Just because they had power over the excavation site didn't mean they actually had power. The kind that can make someone bow at your feet.

Ancash slid down the long slanted 'floor' of the interior of an old tower. He finally reached the edge of the stone tower where he could stand along its interior wall. The entire tower was dimly lit. The only light that showed in was the bright sky that was visible from a collapsed piece of the wall that, now, acted as a ceiling with a natural skylight. The rest of the tower was half-buried in stone and ice making the entire tower's interior ice-cold.

He had to admit, walking within an old stone tower tilted at nearly a 90 degree angle was a bit disorienting.

Unfortunately, he didn't find anything interesting along the ruined furniture that now lay upon the tower's wall.

"Wow Ancash, didn't expect someone like you to enjoy the stone-cold silence of some random tower." Called a voice from the edge of the natural skylight.

Ancash grunted and turned his head to the figure. He saw an elf staring down at him. They were bathed in royal blue robes with white lining the edge of their robes. Beneath that their tunic was silver with many stitchings of eyes all over it, along with one large in the center.

His eyes were piercing gold as they glared down to meet Ancash. His hair was even more extravagant, nearly glowing nearly white in the bright blue sky. He looked no older than many students at the academy.

Ancash smirked his sharp dragonoid teeth as embers and smoke flared from his nostrils. "This guy..." He mumbled. "Wanna' come a bit closer, Taeral? Couldn't quite hear you from up there." He shouted.

The elf scoffed and took a step forward, only to step on the air and begin to gently hover down to Ancash's level. "You really seem to be in a fighting mood today, Ancash." Taeral stated as he landed down onto the stone floor.

The two students glared at each other as smiles grew on their faces. Then in unison they threw their heads back and laughed.

"For a second I thought you really wanted to fight me just then." Ancash snarled out through his cackling.

Taeral waved his hand as he attempted to muddle down a chuckle. "No no. I know better than that. In terms of firepower, you're far above me."

Ancash cackled even louder, walking forward and, rather roughly, slamming his hand onto the back of his friend, making him stumble forward a few steps. "So, did you get tired of your divination class already?"

Taeral rolled his eyes and groaned at the question. "Not them but the advisors. They are so incompetent. There wasn't a single pure-blood elf there. It's like the country of magic doesn't understand the innate magical prowess of the elven species. All I saw were a bunch of humans and a tabaxi. Oh, and guess who else those imbeciles let into the advisory position?" He angrily crossed his arms and looked at Ancash with an incredibly annoyed look.

The crimson dragonborn raised a brow as a grin tugged at his lips. "What dumbass have they let into there this time?"

"They let in an Orc." No sooner did the words leave the elves' lips did Ancash let out another snarling cackle as embers flowed from his throat.
"Oh, you're serious?" He looked at the elf with widened eyes as he laughed. "They let one of those green-skins into the advisory position? Lemme' guess; next they're going to let a Hill Giant do their paperwork."

The two friends laughed even harder at the comment.

"Anyways," The dragonborn stifled another chuckle. "Let's get out of this stupid tower. I expected to find something here but all it is is ice and stone." He mumbled.

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