Chloe Walsh/Joliet Jane Doe update

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t/w murder, kidnapping

a picture of Chloe, taken by her older brother, Jacob, three weeks before her disappearanceFebruary 13th, 2003 - June 2021

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a picture of Chloe, taken by her older brother, Jacob, three weeks before her disappearance
February 13th, 2003 - June 2021


As of November 9th, 2023, the Joliet Jane Doe has been officially identified as missing teen, Chloe Elizabeth Walsh.

For information on Chloe's disappearance, go read that part.

Two weeks after Chloe made the phone call to Chicago police, on June 11th, 2021, a woman's body was found in the woods in Joliet, Illinois. She was determined to be between fifteen through twenty years old and having been dead between four and ten days. Her face had been cut up and her eyes were missing. Police were unable to identify her until this past week, when her body was exhumed and, through genealogy tests, she was officially identified as Chloe Walsh.

The most obvious/likely suspect is her supposed kidnapper, August Williams, who has yet to be found. He has officially been named as Chloe's killer and police across the United States are still on the hunt for him.

The Walsh family has yet to be release any statements.

Chloe would have been eighteen at the time of her death.

May Chloe Walsh rest in peace.

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