Wolfe sisters and Jane Pander Update

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t/w kidnapping, rape, child sexual abuse, guns, knives

a picture of Jane {left}, Jennifer {middle} and Alice {right}, taken by Ethan, an hour before the girl's getaway

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a picture of Jane {left}, Jennifer {middle} and Alice {right}, taken by Ethan, an hour before the girl's getaway

As of November 1st, 2023, Jane Claire Pander, Jennifer Natalie Wolfe and Alice Carly Wolfe have been found alive and well in Liverpool, England.

All three girls were kidnapped from their respective last locations by a man; fifty-four year old Ethan Stockton. All three have said that they were forcefully taken with no tricks involved.

Jane has said that Ethan showed her a knife and threatened to kill Jane if she didn't come with him. Jennifer says Alice had wandered ahead when she wasn't paying attention and when she finally found her, she saw Ethan holding a gun against Alice's head in an area where he wasn't visible to passerby's. He then pointed the gun at Jennifer and told the sisters to come with him.

They lived with Ethan at his apartment in Baltimore. He repeatedly raped all three girls during the years they'd been there. Jane had gotten pregnant by Ethan twice, but the first one ended in stillbirth, the second in miscarriage. Alice got pregnant by Ethan in February, but miscarried in June. As for Jennifer, on July 20th, 2022, the two year anniversary of her and her sister's disappearance, she gave birth to a baby girl she called Victoria Hope Wolfe. In an interview I had with her just two days ago, she stated;

"Jane and Alice helped me pick it. While I was pregnant, Alice said that the name should symbolize something, I agreed, and so did Jane. We decided on Victor if it was a boy, Victoria if it was a girl. I decided I would use the middle name Hope regardless of the gender."

Also according to Jennifer, Alice was able to make that 911 call only about a week after Ethan finally let Jennifer take a pregnancy test. Ethan had been asleep and Jane and Jennifer were trying to get her to be as quiet as possible, but, once again according to Jennifer, "Quiet has never been Alice's strong suit."

Ethan woke up and caught the girls, and afterwards he left Baltimore with them and went to Liverpool, where he purchased a home and then snuck the girls in.

In the evening of November 1st, 2023, Ethan took the girls, including Victoria, out. He usually took them out once, sometimes twice, a month. For the past few months, since Victoria's first birthday, they had been planning an escape of sorts. They wanted to wait for just the right moment. And they decided this was finally it. While at a restaurant, Ethan went to the bathroom, instructing the girls not to move. As he left, Jane told Alice to go and get an employee and tell them to call the police. So, Alice stood up, walked up to the host stand, and told the hostess, Cate Jeffrey, the very condensed version of the story, and the police were then contacted.

Other patrons were kept safe and the girls were taken to the police station, where their families were contacted, and the very next day, arrived in Liverpool, where they were reunited. As of right now, only Jennifer has commented, though we expect that in the following months, more statements will be released by Jane, Alice, and all the other participants involved. Jennifer has said that, as of now, her parents and older brother are very loving and very caring towards Victoria.

Jane has returned to Laurens, South Carolina, and the Wolfe sisters have returned to Christiansburg, Virginia, but Jennifer has said she and Alice have been talking to Jane everyday since, stating quote;

"She's like a perfect mix of a mother figure and a big sister figure to the both of us."

Jane Pander is now thirty, Jennifer Wolfe is now seventeen, and Alice Wolfe is now fifteen. We hope these girls can resume their normal, happy lives.

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