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"But... why did you make me believe that you found vampires disgusting when I came to you in the cell?" I asked him, irritated.

"I wanted you to kill me... then you would have had your revenge and I wouldn't have had to keep living with the guilt." he said softly and tears came to my eyes, all those years I had tried to force myself to hate Seokjin, all those years I failed miserably and in all that time, he suffered twice.

"Jin, you were lied to and used, you're only a little guilty, not big enough to punish you and not nearly big enough to hate you." I immediately contradicted him and at the thought of how wrong I had thought of him, yet there had always been this doubt inside me that told me it couldn't be, Jin wasn't that cruel.... I should have trusted that voice inside me. He had always genuinely loved me and I didn't think it was just because of the bond. He even wanted to sacrifice himself, he put up with my bad mood, my cold shoulder, my pointed remarks and he never fought back. Everything he did was to make me feel good, he didn't care if he suffered in the process. My tears soaked his shirt and only now did he realize that I was crying.

"Yah... don't cry... aren't you ever going to lovingly tell me you hate me again? That was my highlight." He said laughing softly.

"No, I won't, I'd rather tell you that I love you." I sobbed and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm not forcing you to do anything... don't feel guilty now, I don't want your pity..." he said and I kicked him in the shin.

"Can you let me be nice just once, if that's what I want?" I sulked as he grimaced.

"Why does your love always have to hurt?" he asked jokingly and I just let myself fall against him, he held me securely.

"But... what am I going to do about the revenge my father demanded of me? I can't hate any of you, you mean too much to me..." I asked him confused.

"Baby... have you ever thought that your father didn't plan this as revenge for you, but to unite the peoples in the covenant so that you could take over the leadership of all the peoples with our help? I don't think he wanted you to punish us, but to form a strong alliance. In doing so, you will subjugate the nations and punish the right ones... not your companions." he reasoned and it made perfect sense what he said, it would be cruel to expect a vampire to hate his companions when everything in him screamed to love them. My father had been aware of this and Jin had tried to warn him, which was why he knew Jin was a good man... I had misunderstood everything he had asked of me in my grief and anger.

"I'm so sorry Seokjin... All those years wasted in false accusations." I sighed sadly.

"No, that's forgiven and forgotten, I've had my share and I've paid for it... what's 57 years when we have eternity? Let's not make any mistakes with the others, none of them are to blame... on the contrary, look at them coming to you voluntarily and not even thinking about the possibility of returning to their families. Neither of them even batted an eyelid at coming with you," he said as he stroked my hair.

"You're right... you've been right so many times and I haven't listened to you... that won't happen again from now on..."

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