chapter 5: Blade wait what?

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Dan Hengs POV:

I spent the rest of the day talking to My Idiot. That it was now night time. I said my farewells to My Idiot in chat.

Soon after taking a neutral luke warm shower. Then changing into boxers, and a hoodie that I soon discarded to the side, on my night stand. Before falling in a deep slumber. I had a werid feeling of someone watching me before going to sleep but I discarded the thought. That soon was filled with happy and joyful memories as such.

I curled up peacefully in my bed as I slept taking in quite a few hours being at rest. I had a dream of finding my mate whos face was blurred. Then living a happy every after with our future cats. Gosh I really like cats. I haven't yet gotten one yet as I know I currently can't take care of a pet. So getting a pet like a cat was something for the future that'll like very much.

I purred softly in my sleep.

I dreamt of cats, animals, food, some spicy things that didn't last long before getting discarded in my sleep. I also dreamt a lot of how my future could look like.

Thinking about it or dreaming about it always fascinated me dearly. I have always wanted a strong mate that had a heart for me one we can share. Dreaming or thinking about that brought familiarity, might have something to do with Dan feng.

Gosh I get mixed feelings about him or it.

I don't think I'll ever think or say we are one or similar. Although doing that makes me feel like Im missing half of me or Im missing out on something. But I can't and will probaby never accept that Im technically someone else, someone who some either hate or love never in between.

It always makes me feel werid about that but I've grown used to it. Sometimes my heart or brain feel empty. But I can't help but feel some empathy for rejecting Dan Feng one day. I'll hear him or it out but Im not ready for that yet.

Awhile later

I was still in a deep slumber dreaming about kittys and animals. As per usual, I enjoy dreaming of happy things trying, to put my struggles in life aside.

I soon heard my alarm go off. I then got up and turned it off. I took a bit of a stretch. Before heading to the bathroom.

I checked the time it was 6am. I then settled my phone down somewhere where water will not get to it.

I then striped myself of my clothes. I settled them down on my bathroom counter. I then turned my shower on. Making sure it was luke warm to enter. I then cleaned every cranny of me.

After the shower:

I then got out of the shower that relaxed my muscles. I groaned missing the luke warm water that fell gently on my muscles. I soon got over it. As I then got dressed and checked the time it was 7:01am.

I sighed, only so many hours to go, before meeting My Idiot. I then after that went to my kitchen making myself some food.

I made myself a egg sandwich. I hummed while cooking the eggs. There is two eggs in my sandwich.

I then finally finished with my sandwich. I then checked the time it was now 7:30am time had gone by faster than expected. I sighed. I then took a bite out of my egg sandwich. The egg yoks were cooked perfectly to my taste. The gooey, sticky yoks melts on my taste buds. Everytime I took a bite out of my sandwich.

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