Just When It Was All Over (Platonic YFM oneshot)

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i was raised on disney and my little pony shut up


Puff's eyes fluttered open to the grand view of the ceiling of his grandma's house. He slowly sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes, and looking around the room. Gloomy and dull, just like he's been since his friends left him.

The brunette slowly rolled out of bed and stumbled into his small bathroom, taking a good long look at himself in the mirror, the reflection before him a mere shell of who he once was. His color's become increasingly drained, as his once warm tan skin and chocolate brown hair lost its vibrance. So did his eyes. His blue and brown eyes used to always be bright in color and glittering with life, and now this lifelessness has taken over them. He's gone numb.

He looked so tired, despite him sleeping normally. He decided to stop worrying about it and just get ready for work. After brushing his teeth and somewhat taming his messy head of hair, he got in his work uniform and took his grandma's car to La Merde where he waited tables. He'd usually take the bus considering it takes a miracle to get the rustbucket his grandma's car was working, but whenever he tried, it would just drive right past him.

Once he got to the place, the short man gloomily clocked in and did his job like every normal day.


A few hours later, he got a 20 minute break. He slumped down against the wall in a more secluded area, not worrying about being seen since the restaurant wasn't busy at this hour. He needed to cry. He needed to let at least one tear out, but he couldn't. He was just so damn tired, along with his emotions being practically stripped from him since him and his friends got into the huge fight.

He took a moment to reflect on why this was happening to him. A few months ago, him and his bandmate got into a huge friendship-ending fight. So much so that they ditched the tour bus, shut each other out, and retired the band. In reality, the occurrence has been eating away at Puff ever since.

His friends and that band was all he truly had. He remembered all their late nights together, how they made people smile with their music, how they always laughed together, and how they went everywhere by each other's side. They had known each other sine elementary school, so they became Puff's life. His escape from his shitty home. And now that had all been stripped away from him.

He felt his heart ache, his chest tighten, and tears begin to prick his eyes. And then, for the first time in months, he cried. The brunette hugged his knees to his chest and buries his face into them, sobbing like his life depended on it. He loved his friends so much, and he just couldn't move past what happened between them.

He felt the urge to text them. He couldn't live without them. He needed them back. He gingerly pulled out his phone and found one of their old group chats. He took a deep breath, and through his tears, began to type a big message.

"Guys.. I know we had a big fight. I know we said we didnt want to see each other in the heat if the moment, but... I can't do this. I can't live without you guys, I just love you all so goddamn much. We've made people smile with our band's music, we had tons of late nights, and we've smiled and laughed together countless times. we've been friends since elementary school, we cant let so much as a fight be the end of us. the only thing that should part us is death itself. i love you guys... please come back... i miss you..."

Puff sniffled and pressed send, laying his head against the wall, closing his eyes and more tears roll down his cheeks. Just then, he felt a ding come from his phone. It was a message from Deejay.

"We miss you and love you so much. We felt like it was the end of the road for us too. How could we forget all the good times we had, all the laughs, the late nights, the songs, we miss all of it. We should arrange a time where we all get together again. Let the whole band get together once more, just like old times. The good times."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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