more random headcanons bc idk

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Puff 🎤

- Literally has the fluffiest hair in existence
- Loves rap music, but also enjoys himself some alt rock
- Plays a shit ton of FPS games, Minecraft, sometimes the sims 4 to cope with getting no bitches
- "And THAT'S how I beat the enter dragon without creative mode. ....mostly."
- Horny little bastard
- Loves a good hug but doesn't wanna look like a child
- Singing is his anti-depressant
- He trips on his own feet a lot (he has big feet)
- The most extroverted extrovert to ever extrovert
- He prolly uses a generic "fresh water" scented body wash lol

Deejay 🎧

- His friends always compare his hair to Bob Ross
- Die hard electro music fan
- probably plays Wii bowling or rhythm games or something
- Ruffles Puff's hair as he walks by him lol
- He turns off his music but leaves his headphones on so he can hear some fresh brewed TEA
- Scolds his bandmates for leaving shit out and making a mess
- Probably the best driver
- He doesn't simp. He's a chad.
- Keeps snacks in his bunk (like beef jerky, pickled pigs feet, maybe doritoes idk)
- Smells like cedar or something

Axel 💀

-Dinosaur nerd. Need I say more.
- If you haven't already guessed, his favorite music genre is metal.
- He originally just got his guitar so he can look cool, but now lets Benatar use it bc he was being an idiot and broke his blue guitar
- He does the stupidest shit thinking he means well.
- Will put everything on hold if Vincent needs something
- Absolute shit at spelling
- "VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!" *proceeds to helps his friends beat people's asses at bar fights*
- Makes stupid guitar noises when he's happy (weeeiiiioowwww) and in the long run everyone thinks its adorable
- Probably the one that flips the table during board games
- Jumps up and slaps low hanging tree branches at every chance he gets
- HE IS SO AFRAID OF SPIDERS IT IS ACTUALLY IMPRESSIVE. like fr he screams like a little bitch over the tiniest ones
- I like to think he has a sweeter smell like cinnamon or something

Benatar 🎸

- The SECOND fluffiest hair in existence
- Polite asf with strangers and family but a goofball around his bandmates
- Knows that the insults are playful bantering
- An actual GOD at Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution
- Air headed and oblivious af like his friends keep telling him hes shit at writing songs and he just goes "I was quite chuffed wif' it thoeugh 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧"
- Holds some SERIOUS GRUDGES with Mr. Douchebag
- Cat person.
- Keytar is his literal comfort item. If his bandmates try and pull pranks on him or whatever, they know to leave his keytar alone.
- He loves Italian food
- If he could donate to charities or something he 100% would
- Smells like vanilla and coconut!

Things they all have in common:

- They can't cook to save their life. They survive on takeout.
- They all like to just climb on top of the bus to sit and talk
- They fool around at Walmart parking lots at night like the goobers they are
- Probably the best friendship you will ever see. They bully the shit out of each other but in reality they are inseperable.
- They all cheered each other on when they confess to girls they barely knew like "YOU GOT THIS SHITHEAD!" "YAY YOURE NOT GONNA DIE A VIRGIN!" "BANG HER GOOD FOR ME, WILL YA?"

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