I Miss You (poly yfm) PART TWO

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fyi this oneshot starts as them being gen 1.5

Night after miserable night, day after miserable day. Puff was breaking. He often found him self pacing his tiny cell in circles, just trying to distract himself from how cruel his reality was being. He hugged his pillow pretending he was reuniting with his bandmates at long last more often than he'd like to admit.
He very rarely slept. Even when he did, it would only be for about an hour. He paced and paced. His eyelids kept drooping, and his brain was very fuzzy. His mind was struggling to even form a single coherent thought.
His hair had grown out a decent bit. It wasn't too long, it wasn't draping on his head or anything, it was like how it originally looked, just much fluffier and shaggier. A few weeks back, he had broken his glasses from a breakdown, so he was provided new ones.
They were this weird, thick, octagon shape. Oh well, he was lucky they even had his prescription.
Puff eventually gave up on pacing, and plopped onto his bed. He looked out the narrow window, and it appeared to be around noon, maybe a bit later. Suddenly, he heard the sound of keys jingling emerging his cell door. He looked up to see a guard standing at the doorway.
"Well son, looks like you won't be getting served lunch," He said.
"Uhhh... a cup of water will be fine, I guess?" Puff groggily replied, sleepy and confused.
"No, you're being released," The taller man smiled.

Puff finally signed the last form. He was freaking exhausted, but he didn't care. He was free. After a whole year, he could leave this hellhole.
"Bet you're excited huh? You can finally get yourself some sleep, too," The booker said, grabbing the forms and placing them into some kind of folder. Puff nodded.
"Just get me outta here, man..."
The booker chuckled. "Will do."
The short brunette was escorted outside. He traversed the hall with a guard by his side, and passed his cell. He quickly gave his cell the middle finger before continuing his path, not looking back. The finally reacher the doors leading to the outside, and there stood the tour bus with Axel, Benatar, and Deejay standing in front of it, waiting for him and smiling.
Puff's tired eyes widened at the sight of them, and looked at the guard, wondering if he could really go.
The guard, getting the message, nodded and gestured to Puff's bandmates, giving him the all clear.
If Puff wasn't so exhausted, he would have sped to his friends as fast as he could, but he just couldn't. He walked to them, and when he finally got them he collapsed onto Deejay, pulling Axel and Benatar into a tight hug.
All of them, including Puff, were visibly tearing up, happily getting to hug and see each other again. No words were needed.
Puff deeply snuggled into his bandmates, soaking in their warmth, giving into what he's so desperately needed.
In only a minute, he fell asleep in his bandmate's arms.

Puff's eyes fluttered open, finally feeling well rested. He soaked in his surroundings. He was in his bunk, but... it was different. There were more fluffy pillows and blankets than before, pictures of the band's memories taped onto the wall, and a small strand of fairy lights hung above the pictures.
The only source of light was in a small crack in the curtain, where the window was. Puff slid open the curtain, and he saw the parking lot they often parked the bus in. He always complained about always parking in the same place, but he smiled at the finally familiar sight. It appeared to be evening, as the sky was turning purple.
"'Ello, sleepyhead," a high voice spoke behind him, causing Puff to turn around. There, behind the now open curtain, was Benatar. He had a sweet smile on his face, kneeled on the floor.
"God, I missed you.." Puff said, sitting up and wrapping the blonde in a warm, loving hug.
"Awww.." Benatar cooed and rubbed the brunettes back.
"..How long was I out for?"
"You fell asleep yeste'day, so... 'round twenty hours. I don't blame you, love. You looked like you were abou' to collapse on the spot!"
Another voice entered the scene.
"Is he awake?" It was Deejay.
"Mhm!" Benatar replied. With this, Axel walked in too, giving Puff a toothy smile.
"How'd ya sleep, Puffski?" Deejay chuckled, ruffling the shorter man's hair.
"That was probably the best night's sleep I've had in my life," Puff smiled, wrapping Deejay in a big hug. The others joined in, planting a kiss on the shorter man's cheek. After a moment, Deejay leaned in and whispered into Puff's ear.
"By the way, man, we got burger world. C'mon and eat." He smiled, standing up.
"What would I do without you guys.." Puff chuckled, getting up too.
They all ate at the bus's dining table, Puff peacefully leaning against Axel, happy to be home.

toe jam. anyway this is the first 2 part oneshit llsospsjskajxkais

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