personalities (hc)

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not only am i writing this for yall to read but im also using this as a guide write them better and more in-character (this is how i depict them tho so its not exact)

bc i like it when people write them in character

it makes the story much more eatable


Puff Puff 🎤

- Back in like 2011 to 2012 he was a feisty and hot headed shart nugget, but after YFM came back, he actually kinda got his shit together when it came to his anger and is actually treating his bandmates like friends.

- I like to think he kinda went from "Axel on the drums!" to "Hey man! You're great with drums! Show 'em what you can do!" (he VERY rarely says stuff like that but when he does its adorable)

- Still a little hot headed but doesn't bully his bandmates every 5 seconds

- Confident boi. He's awkward yet prideful.

- That does not change the fact that he his stupid though

- Always arranges the gaming nights with his bandmates


Deejay 🎧

- The chill one. He's definitely the most laid back.

- The moral compass of the group

- He kinda looks after everyone and stops them before they commit stupid and die

- He somehow manages to make "yo mama" jokes good

- He really didn't change that much since 2011, but when YFM came back he had more power and confidence when he performed


Axel 💀

- Absolute idiot, but in a charming way.

- He lost his toof in middle school, probably by going "YO GUYS WATCH THIS"

- Probably chews on his drumsticks

- He often means well, and he is very pro health. He hates drugs with a passion.

- Often comes up with the stupidest ideas on purpose, cuz he loves making his bandmates laugh

- When YFM came back, he took it upon himself to get a haircut. His barber done fucked up though because he cut it way too short (hes growing it back now)

- When YFM was forced to disband, he was really upset about it, and quit playing the drums because it only reminded him of it. So uh he kinda forgot how to hold a drumstick right when they came back

 So uh he kinda forgot how to hold a drumstick right when they came back

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Benatar 🎸

- Also an idiot. Deejay is on his own at this point

- His bri'ishness caused him to be a sucker for tea (especially caramel tea if the nearest Publix has it)

- Very passionate about what he does. He won't hesitate to show his friends the songs he wrote.

- They decided to leave the writing to Puff because of him

- Although he sucks at writing songs, he can perform them and sing like a god

- Sometimes takes the lead as the moral compass, as he'd rather tell the truth and/or talk things out like an adult than chicken out of that like Puff often does

- He never stopped playing music after YFM disbanded, hell I wouldn't be surprised if he performed at kareokes and on the streets just for the fun of it. The crowd loved him.

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