happier than ever (platonic fluff and sillies)

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i just got back from reading REALLY SAD ANGST about them and so i need to write this to remind myself of reality and
repair the hole in my heart

"YO TURDBURGLARS! WHADDYA WANT FROM MCDEEZ?" Axel boomed, grabbing the attention of his bandmates.

"McDeez?" Deejay questioned.

"Yeah. McDeez."
"...Wha' 'oes it mean?" Benatar questioned, much to the dismay of his bandmates.

"Oh my God, Benatar..." Puff muttered, burying his face into his hand, only confusing the brit more.

"McDonalds, numb nuts!" Axel shouted. "..Four happy meals it is." He then got onto the app and ordered the shit.

They had just gotten their grub from the drive thru, and parked their bus in the parking lot of a nearby Walmart. Once everything else was sorted, Puff got an idea.

"GUYS, LET'S EAT ON THE ROOF OF THE BUS!" He declared almost dramatically. "Well... actually... that wouldn't be a good idea. Once Deejay goes up there, it'll crush the whole damn thing."

"Shut yo piehole man!" Deejay recoiled, smacking the midget on the back of the head, but not enough to the point where it hurt badly. Axel and Puff immediately disobeyed and bust out laughing, playfully fist bumping each other. The situation also got some giggles out of Benatar, who had been watching the whole thing.

"Anyway, yeah. Let's go on the roof." Axel huffed out, out of breath from laughing. They each grabbed their box, went outside, and headed for the back of the bus which contained a ladder leading to the roof.
One by one, they all climbled the rickety ladder and sat on the top of the faded blue bus, the orange and purple dusk sky looming over the four. Once they got themselves situated, they opened their happy meal boxes and flexed the Boss Baby toys they got in the box on each other. The toy flexing ended with a competition on who could throw the toy into a dumpster that was around 50 feet away from them. Miraculously, Benatar won, earning him some pats on the back.

They all enjoyed their meal, sitting criss cross applesauce while happily talking to each other about their past as the sun set to the west.

"Hey hey hey!" Puff rapidly called waving his hand out, all eyes landing on him. "Remember in middle school Axel was trying to flex his skateboarding skills on us.. AND HE FUCKIN' FELL ON HIS FACE?" He cackled, Deejay and Benatar laughing with him. Axel on the other hand...

"HEY! It woulda been fuckin' metal if it wasn't for that goddamn rock!" He shouted. "Besides, it wasn't THAT bad," he muttered with an eyeroll.
"Yeah, tell that to your tooth!" Puff guffawed.

They continued talking and joking around even hours after they finished their food. They didn't admit it, but they loved these moments when it was just the four of them.

"Alright Puff, truth or dare," Deejay said.

"Truth," Puff replied looking him dead in the eye.

"Wuss," Axel chuckled with an eyebrow raised.


"Are you in love with anyone?" Deejay intervened, preventing any escalation, as he knew they had left Friendly Fire on. Puff eyes slowly traveled to the turntablisit, staring at him. The silence was so loud.

"Yeah... I am." He said quietly, but enough so everyone could hear him.

"Who..?" Deejay questioned, just as quietly.

"YOUR MOM!" Puff suddenly barked with laughter, falling over on his back and cackling loudly. This led everyone to laugh with him, even Benatar.

"We're gonna fall off this fuckin' bus if we keep this up!" Deejay wheezed.

"Yeh, let's ge' down," Benatar agreed. "Is' ge'ing cold out 'ere!"

They all shimmied down the shitty ladder, well, with the exception of Axel, he tried being a badass and straight up jumping off the bus, ending with some scuffs on his elbows and knees.



They had all gotten inside the bus, and it was completely dark outside. Deejay had disinfected and patched up Axel's scuffs, and they turned the TV on for background noise and did their own thing around the main area of the bus. That's when Puff had an idea. He never admits it, but he absolutely loves being hugged. So he waited when the others were close to each other, walked up to them and wrapped his arms around them, pulling them close. This surprised them, but they didn't pull away.

"Wha's this abou'?" Benatar questioned.

"Nothin' much. I know this sounds gay as hell, but I love you guys."

Hearing this, they all smiled and returned the hug.

"We love you too, dude."

theyre so silly

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