December 31st

37 2 24

His heart raced as he turned around himself. 

The stars seemed to all fall down, threatening to shoot through him like bullets. Dimentio covered his head, fearing what they'd do to him.

Dimentio wasn't often afraid of the dark. Why would he be, after spending a lifetime working from within it? Still, never before had he seen so much. As each ball of light hit the ground, it disappeared forever, swallowed by the black abyss. 

He wondered if Rigel was one of the falling stars. 

He sat up and took in his surroundings. There were chills blowing through the air like colored wind. 

He knew exactly where he was. It was where he belonged. Where his mind had gone once he lost control to the Chaos Heart. 

Was that heart the one he could hear beating so loudly? 

He missed L. He wanted to go back to that perfect winter vacation. Back to a time when everything was wrong and fake, but it didn't matter because he was happy. 


That wasn't real, though. He never really was there. 

He had been here all along. 


He reached out into the darkness and felt a thin material gather in his cold, bare hands. He gripped it and pulled it to himself, a deep melancholic feeling swelling within him. He recognized it now, not as the thin blanket he had seen in town, but as an old friend. 

He remembered now. It was a gift. The first Christmas gift he recalled receiving. Something given to him by one kind soul whose face Dimentio didn't bother memorizing, back when he was nothing more than a kid kicked to the streets. Back when the world wanted him to freeze, one person wanted him to be warm. 

He never wanted to lose it, but the second his mind had become set on the Chaos Heart, it had vanished. 

He hugged it to himself, keeping his eyes closed so he wouldn't have to watch all the lights around him fade into the darkness which would surely swallow him too.  He trembled slightly, but he was not afraid.


"L," he whispered, though he knew no one could hear. Perhaps no one would ever hear him again. 

He shivered, coldness wrapping around him like chains, binding him to his fate. He wasn't going to be scared anymore, though. He wasn't going to fear the end like he always had. 

His heart ached, though he couldn't tell if it was his own. How long had his been missing? When did he become so broken? The fractures in his entire being must have formed long before Super Dimentio. 

His mind whirled with memories, although he knew which ones were fake, now. The village, the little toad, Mr. L, none of that was true. Or maybe it was true, to him at least. 

There was a Christmas at Castle Bleck. The count couldn't bring himself to celebrate. He never said why, but that didn't stop Mimi and O'Chunks from trying. Dimentio could recall opening the door to see two small, neatly wrapped boxes sitting just outside of his door. One contained a bunch of glittery gloves, and the other was a book. No one knew him all that well back then, so it had been a pleasant surprise to see someone go through the effort of getting him something. 

He never got to return the favor. 

He never got to give them gifts in that perfect, happy world either. 

He had been looking forward to Christmas morning. If he never sought out the truth, perhaps he'd be sitting by a warm fire next to Mr. L, exchanging gifts and smiling. What he wouldn't give to hear his voice again. 

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