Chapter 7

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Nastasia quietly played the piano as the other six explored the interior of the lodge. It was empty, to Dimentio's surprise. What was even more strange was the fact that there was a service desk, but no one behind it. It wasn't creepy, though. All the lights were on and the fire was lit. Count Bleck assured everyone that it was open to the public, and the automatic doors let them right in, so nothing was unsettling about being there all alone.

The grand piano was placed a few feet from the fireplace Mr. L was working on lighting. Nastasia continued to play a calm and quiet melody that Dimentio couldn't recognize. It was the kind of song he felt like he knew deep down, though. It wasn't familiar in any way, but listening to it filled him with a sense of longing. It made him think of being a kid, just sitting in a living room with the sun shining through the windows as parents talked and dogs barked. The kind of feeling he had never experienced before, yet still felt nostalgic about. 

"Golly, Nassy, I didn't know you could play so well," Mimi mused, sitting atop the piano like an old-fashioned jazz singer. The way she was lying across it made Dimentio wonder if she was about to put on some kind of cheesy performance. "Don't you like it, Chunky?"

"Eh?" O'Chunks asked from across the room. He had been occupying himself by looking out the window. Dimentio knew him well enough to know that it was his way of pretending not to be completely enchanted by Nastasia's playing. "Ah. 'T's a'right."

T's a'right meant he loved it, but wasn't man enough to admit it. In a way, he was trying to keep up the manly, burly image. O'Chunks always had this traditional idea when it came to what masculinity was. It was clear from the way he always hid his cookbooks and his love for music that he felt like people would look at him differently if he admitted he liked those gentler things. 

"I think it's wonderful," Count Bleck smiled, turning from the shelf of books in the corner with a large white book in his arms. "Have you ever considered putting on concerts?"

"Oh, no," Nastasia quickly answered, lowering her gaze slightly. She had a page of notes in front of her, but wasn't looking at them. Only occasionally glancing. "I'm much too busy."

"Not anymore," Dimentio pointed out with a quiet chuckle. "It's winter vacation."

"Exactly," Mimi agreed, wearing a bright smile. "Live your dreams, Nassy!"

"Who says I'm not already?" she asked. 

No one else in the room seemed to understand, as they all simply shrugged and continued talking. Dimentio got it, though. He knew her well enough to understand what she meant whenever she said small things like this. Sometimes, it felt like he knew everyone so well that he could predict their each and every move. It was like a part of him long ago was planning to use his knowledge of them against them in some way. Except he'd never do that. 

The only exception to this was Mr. L, simply because Dimentio hadn't known him for nearly as long. 

He knew Nastasia well enough to know that she never dreamed of playing piano for all to hear. She never dreamed of anything that could be considered selfish. All she dreamed about was the one thing she could never have. All she ever wanted to was be there for Count Bleck. She spent every waking minute of every day trying to help him however she could. He was her life's purpose. Some might call it an obsession. Others may call it loyalty. 

Dimentio wasn't sure what he'd call it.

Sometimes, it was her unrequited love that reminded him that not everything had a happy ending. Not everyone was fortunate enough to find things like love. Even the most loyal and deserving people faced rejection. Her dream wasn't to play piano. It was to do what she was already doing. It was to be as close to Count Bleck as she possibly could. 

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