59. Final Plans

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[Anakin and Tony have entered the chat]

Anakin: how did the fireworks go the other day?

Tony: (grins) oh yea, that! Yea, that was awesome. And guess what? I didn't accidentally blow up the tower!!

Anakin: wow, I was expecting at least a little damage

Tony: nope, zip zilch nada. I think the reason was because Pepper took away my scotch during the little celebration

Anakin: probably. So, have you tested the transporter yet?

Tony: yea it works, but I'm still not completely sure about this

Anakin: oh, it'll be fine

Tony: how many of you are coming?

Anakin: let's see... (counts to himself) fifteen of us

Tony: (surprised) wait, what?

Anakin: well, there is me, Padmé, and our two kids, plus Leia's family, so that is eight. Then, there is Emily, Haeleigh, and Caleb, and I know Emily is bringing her three kids and Haeleigh is bringing her Padawan. All together that is seven. So, yea, combine the two groups and you get fifteen

Tony: well, let's hope I can transport fifteen at once. Last time, we only had six at one time

Anakin: (reassuringly) trust me, it'll work. Besides, I built a backup transporter just in case

[Emily and Pepper have entered the chat]

Emily: so, is everything planned out?

Pepper: yea, pretty much. Still a few things we need to work out, but nothing major

Anakin: hellooo, I'm trying to have a conversation with Tony here

Emily: then, why don't you use the private chat? That's what it's for

Tony: she has a point

Anakin: (rolls eyes) as if I didn't already know that

Pepper: anyway, you have that transporter working, right Tony?

Tony: yes, I do. Why is everyone so concerned about it?

Emily: because it's our only way of getting to your world and back to ours. And I don't want to get stuck anywhere in between

Anakin: you know, I wouldn't mind not getting back to our world

Emily: why? So, you don't have to deal with Master Windu?

Anakin: that's one of the reasons

[Haeleigh has entered the chat]

Haeleigh: I cannot contain my excitement any longer!! I need July 29th to come already!!

Tony: July 29th?

Pepper: the day they come here

Tony: why didn't you tell me this before?

Pepper: because I've been busy

Emily: we've all been busy. Do you know how hard it was for me to find a nice light blue dress?

Anakin: Em, you know I don't like it when you complain about your fashion life

Haeleigh: that's 'cause you aren't a girl

[Steve has entered the chat]

Steve: hey, Tony and Pepper, have you seen Jayla around?

Pepper: she's planning the decorations for the reception at Clint's house with him, Natasha, Jane and Thor

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