7. Jedi 5 Strikes Again

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[Anakin, Tony, and Steve have entered the chat]

Steve: we should have another movie marathon night

Anakin: I can't do one any time soon. I'm kinda busy.

Tony: ugh, don't remind me of all the work I should be doing right now

[Pepper has entered the chat]

Tony: oh crap

Pepper: Tony, you should be working on your weekly report right now

Tony: but-

Pepper: I don't want to hear it Tony. Write the report. NOW!

Tony: Fine...

[Tony has left the chat]

Anakin: by the way, who are you?

Pepper: what?

Steve: oh right. Anakin, Pepper is Tony's girlfriend

Anakin: do you have a girlfriend?


Pepper: it's a touchy subject

[Jedi 5 has entered the chat]

Jedi 5: Anakin, Obi-Wan needs you in the archives right now

Anakin: yea sure, and I'm a Tusken Raider. I don't even know who you are. Why should I listen to you?

Jedi 5: because if you did know, you would be even less willing to listen to me

Anakin: sure I would

Jedi 5: don't make me get Master Yoda

Anakin: okay fine, I'm leaving

[Anakin has left the chat]



Jedi 5: why so quiet?

Steve: uhh...no reason

Pepper: really, who are you?

Jedi 5: I'm not ready to say yet

Steve: why not?

Jedi 5: 'cause Anakin would probably kill me

[Jedi 5 has left the chat]

Steve: dang it, I want to know who it is so bad!!

Pepper: we'll probably find out at some point

Steve: I'm gonna go take out my stress on a punching bag

Pepper: you have fun with that

[Steve has left the chat]

Pepper: I better go see how Tony is doing on that report

[Pepper has left the chat]

[Tony has turned off invisibility]

Tony: not working on it :)

Star Wars Meets Marvel Chatroom [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora