58. An American Birthday

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[Jayla has entered the chat]

Jayla: good, no one else is on

[Jayla has invited Steve to the chat]


Steve: well, someone didn't forget

Jayla: oh c'mon, you know I don't forget anything, not even a present

Steve: oh gosh, what did you get me?

Jayla: you have to guess

Steve: um, why?

Jayla: because I want you to

Steve: alright, fine

[Jayla has invited Tony, Pepper, Jane, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Skye, Wanda, Rhodey, Sam, Anakin, Emily, Haeleigh, and Caleb to the chat]

Anakin: (in a deep voice) welcome, ladies and gentlemen to Guess the Gift!! I am your host Anakin Skywalker with co-guest hosts Emily Skywalker and Tony Stark. Today, our lucky contestant is Mr. Steve Rogers, who most of you know as Captain America, and it is also his birthday!!

Steve: (speechless)

Emily: (facepalms) I thought I told you to not do the deep voice!!

Anakin: hey, all game show hosts do it

Emily: no, they don't

Steve: Jay, what the freaking heck is going on?

Jayla: you know how I said you had to guess your present? Well, I set up a little game for you and the prize is your gift

Steve: (sighs) okay. Could someone explain the rules?

Pepper: it's basically 20 Questions, but about your present and you have to do a dare if you don't guess the present correctly

Jayla: (whispers to Steve) the dare part was Tony's idea

Tony: hey, I heard that!!

Anakin: anyway, let's get started! But first, what's Independence Day?

Jayla: it's the day the thirteen colonies of what would later become the early United States signed the Declaration of Independence, stating their voluntary freedom from the British Crown. This later started the Revolutionary War, which the colonies ended up winning and formed the United States

Haeleigh: why do you have to make everything sound so complicated?

Jayla: it's not that complicated, but I can't help it whenever people ask me questions like that because I like to tell them everything I know

Steve: was that question supposed to be for me?

Anakin: no, I just wanted to know what exactly today was

Steve: oh, okay. And Jay, you sure you don't want someone to duct tape your mouth so you don't blurt out the answers?

Jayla: no, I'm fine. I have Kit Kat

Skye: what's the cat gonna do?

Jayla: every time I feel the urge to say something, I look Kit Kat straight in the face to distract myself from speaking

Anakin: people! Less side talk please!! Now, let's get back to the game. Steve, ask a question. The first thing that pops into your head

Steve: am I going to like this present?

Anakin: yes, moving on! Tony, your turn to answer

Tony: (looks up from his phone) oh, right. Sorry, I was checking something

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