35. :'(

107 14 3

[Pepper and Anakin have entered the chat]

Anakin: ugh, I am so tired

Pepper: stay up too late last night?

Anakin: no, I just haven't been able to get a good night's sleep because of stress

[Tony has entered the chat]

Tony: (yawns) good morning. Anything new?


Anakin: no, just normal around here

Tony: Pepper?

Pepper: what?

Tony: you were going to say something

Pepper: yea, about that...

[Pepper has invited Steve to the chat]

Pepper: I need to talk to you, Steve

Steve: what is it? Is something wrong?

Pepper: sort of...

[Emily has entered the chat]

Emily: where's Jayla? I've been trying to contact her. Did Loki take her again?

Pepper: no...Jayla left earlier this morning

Steve: what?!

Anakin: why'd she leave?

Pepper: Coulson needed her. Said it was something really important, and she was being picked up at 8:00

Steve: how long will she be gone?

Pepper: she didn't say

Tony: how come you know all the answers to this?

Pepper: because I'm the only early bird. Jayla told me she'll get onto the chat if she can, but she doesn't know how often she'll be able to

Steve: I just hope she's okay

Pepper: oh, I almost forgot. Jayla said to take care of Kit Kat while she's gone. I'm going to leave that task to you Steve

Steve: why me?

Tony: you're her boyfriend. It's what you do for your girl

Pepper: you mean buy her strawberries?

Tony: hey!! In my defense, I didn't know you were allergic to them at the time!!

Emily:...um...I need to...go make breakfast

[Emily has left the chat]

Tony: what's wrong with Emily?

Anakin: she's really close friends with Jayla. They talk in the private chat all the time

Steve: Tony, I need a distraction

Tony: Halo?

Steve: sure, let's go

[Steve and Tony have left the chat]

Pepper: I feel really bad telling Emily and Steve

Anakin: well, they were going to find out at some point. Em is Jayla's closest friend and Steve is her boyfriend

Pepper: I did forget to tell them something-- Jayla said she would be back around Easter most likely
[Haeleigh has entered the chat]

Haeleigh: do either of you know why Emily is acting weird?

Anakin: Jayla left this morning

Haeleigh: oh, no wonder she seems upset. First, her husband leaves and now her best friend......and I have to leave too

Pepper: what do you mean?

Haeleigh: I just got a mission call. I'll be gone week max. You'll keep an eye on Emily, right Anakin?

Anakin: yep, I will

Haeleigh: thanks :)

[Haeleigh has left the chat]

Pepper: why keep an eye on her?

Anakin: Emily can get depressed easily. It's her fatal flaw

Pepper: what's yours?

Anakin: I'd rather not say

Pepper: well, I should go. I have to get a few things done

[Pepper has left the chat]

Anakin: maybe I'll get on later. I have a feeling something is gonna go downhill

[Anakin has left the chat]

So, Jayla is going to be out of the chat for however long Agents of SHIELD runs, unless I decide otherwise. Sorry about this being unexpected.

Don't forget to vote/comment

Next update: maybe later today and if not then tomorrow

-Emily A. Skywalker

Star Wars Meets Marvel Chatroom [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin