28. Let It Go In Summer For the First Time In Forever Since Love Is an Open Door

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[Anakin, Emily, Bruce, Natasha, Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, Pepper, and Jane have entered the chat]

Anakin: I'm assuming everyone's ear comms are working?

Steve: yep, I can hear you loud and clear

Tony: I still don't get why I can't wear my Iron Man suit

Bruce: because the technology is way too advanced for the time period we're going into. If it were a future world, then maybe

Emily: so, are you guys ready to transport?

Steve: yes, Pepper hit the button...now

Pepper: (presses button) okay, have fun

[the Avengers have disconnected from the chat]

Jane: was that supposed to happen?

Anakin: wait for it...three...two...one

[the Avengers have reconnected to the chat]

Bruce: oh my gosh, it actually worked

Tony: dude, we're geniuses!! (high fives Bruce)

Steve: okay, switch on the camo suits

Natasha: ugh, great. I'm in a dress

Clint: what are you talking about, Nat? I like it on you

Natasha: yea, but it's uncomfortable and it won't be easy for me to do combat in this thing

Clint: well, at least it is thin and not poofy

Tony: what are you wearing Steve?

Steve: as captain of this mission, I figured I would choose something that fit my position

Tony: you look like a prince! Change it!

Anakin: (whispers smiling) you know I wish we had cameras so we could see all of this

Steve: why should I change what I am wearing?

Bruce: look, we can finish this argument later? Besides, we can change clothing once we get into the forest. Anakin and Emily, do you have a precise location on Loki?

Emily: lemme check...yep, we do....oh good god...

Steve: what?

Anakin: he's hiding out at the ice castle on the North Mountain

Tony: see!! This is why I wanted to wear my Iron Man suit!!

Pepper: Tony, just forget about it already

Thor: this is going to be one long walk

Jane: you aren't going to fly there? I thought you were on sky lookout

Thor: yes, but it is not needed right now

Steve: right, so let's head out of Arendelle. Clint and Nat, you two are together. Bruce, you're with me. Tony, you go with Thor (starts walking)

Natasha: why the pairing up?

Steve: we're leaving as a group, but once we get to the forest, Anakin and Emily will give us the coordinates of the different paths we will take

Clint: how long do you think it will take to get to the North Mountain?

Emily: since there isn't any snow, about a day and a half

Tony: this is so weird without all the snow

Bruce: I'm with you on that one

Thor: you know, Arendelle is bigger than I thought

Anakin: actually, you guys somehow spawned in one of the farthest areas from the front of the town. That's probably why it seems so big

Tony: hey, we should sing Frozen songs to pass the time

Steve: Tony, we're undercover. We aren't supposed to be attracting attention to ourselves

Pepper: Tony, did you have a scotch earlier?

Tony: maybe...I can't remember

Pepper: (facepalm)

Bruce: so, Thor, do you know anything about the Nordic region?

Thor: not much. I've hardly visited the region, so I can't say much more than it is very cold and snowy in the winter and the people eat fish a lot

Emily: you're close to the edge of the town. Careful, though, there's guards. I don't know if they'll let you through

Natasha: we should be fine, and if we aren't then-

Clint: no, Natasha. We are not going into combat mode until we find Loki

Natasha: (scowls) fine

Steve: don't worry I got this. (Approaches guards). Excuse me, are we allowed to leave Arendelle? My company and I were just passing through on our way to the mines

Guard 1: yes, do you have any items that were purchased in Arendelle?

Steve: no, sir

Guard 1: then you are good to go. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Arendelle

Steve: thank you (walks past guard out the gates). See, told you I knew what I was doing

Tony: since when did you become a diplomat?

Steve: I've always had it in me. You usually just don't notice it

Anakin: well, if you guys are ready, Emily and I will send you the coordinates

Steve: sure, go ahead

Emily: okay, there you go. And by the way, you can switch out of your village clothing

Natasha: oh good. That dress felt a little breezy

Clint: alright, we all meet at the bottom of the mountain correct?

Anakin: yep, have fun!!

Tony: I'm sure we will

[the Avengers have left the chat]

Pepper: so, now what?

Emily: we wait until they contact us again at the bottom of the mountain

Jane: we're gonna be waiting awhile then

Anakin: yea, I'm getting tired, so if it's okay with you guys, I'm gonna turn the chat off for the night

Pepper: sure, go ahead

[the admin has disabled the chat]

I was gonna post this last night, but it was getting late. So, technically, I'm on a six day streak. I know this part seemed kinda slow, but it'll definitely get better.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

Like I mentioned last chapter, I'll try and update later if I can get wifi. Today is gonna be so much fun!!

-Emily A. Skywalker

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