Among all the students we can see a red-haired girl with a light blue blouse and blue pants with glitter

Chelsea: The new girl - she says happily as the others praise her, while Izuku and Ruby watch nervously

Chelsea: How cute, thank you so much - she says while making poses with her hands

Student 3: Quiet, she's going to say something - she says with a sign

Chelsea: Thank you for the welcome, I wasn't expecting this," she says kindly

Student 4: And what brought you here? - asks one

Chelsea: Well, because a monster destroyed the library and got everyone's attention," she says sadly

Ruby: (That was me) - she thinks sadly

Student 5: Are you from Oceanside? - asks another

Chelsea: I am, and that's why I came here to Japan to get out of danger, plus I also saved someone from drowning," she says cheerfully

Student 6: So you're applying to UA too? - asks another

Chelsea: Of course I do, so I can defend myself from monsters and some villains - she says animatedly

All the students except Izuku, Ruby and Bakugo praised her, they even asked her what quirk she had and she told them that her "quirk" was a mermaid

Student 7: I love you so much

Chelsea: I love you too, strangers - she says cheerfully while receiving flowers

Izuku: By the way, do you know her? she says she comes from Oceanside

Ruby: Yes, yes I know her, she was also the popular girl in school, I didn't get to know her well because my quirk kraken activated right there - she explains

Izuku: I-I see - he says nervously

While they were still watching, Chelsea was looking at them with an interested face

Chelsea: (Isn't that Ruby Gillman? I have to go talk to her) - she thinks happily while looking at her


Outside the school, Ruby and Izuku were walking home when they suddenly bumped into Chelsea on the corner

Chelsea: Hi guys - she says cheerfully

Ruby and Izuku: Chelsea?! / Van Der Zee-san - they say surprised

Ruby: How did you get here without the others following you?

Chelsea: Because you guys seemed pretty interesting to me - she says happily as she spins around them, "By the way, I don't know you

Izuku: I-I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you Van der Zee-san - says nervous and blushing

Chelsea: Oh haha just call me Chelsea (he's just as cute as Ruby when she does that) - she says while laughing - and by the way where were you going?

Ruby: To train for the UA exam - she says happily - and by the way, you said you were going to UA too, are you going to train with us? - she asks

Chelsea: Do you really want me to train with you? - she asks excitedly

Izuku: Y-Yes, besides you don't have bad intentions - she says happy - and by the way, why do you want to be a heroine?

Chelsea: Because I like to see people live in peace and happiness

A Kraken Superheroine - Ruby Gillman in Boku no HeroDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora