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One knock. A second. Followed by a third.

The sun hung high in the sky, beating down with a merciless intensity. The crew had walked a distance, approaching a one-story, rustic log house. The grass was tall and overgrown, lining up with the stone path that led to the front door. Trees scattered around the property, creating well-needed shade. In the distance, a garden could be seen as well. Y/N had taken them to her mom's house.

"I thought she meant a restaurant," Usopp says.

"Nothing better than a home-cooked meal from a mother, though." Sanji comments.

As they waited a few seconds, a middle-aged woman with black hair opened the door. She was taken aback by not only the crew but her daughter.

"Y/N?" She asks, a smile forming on her face. "God, it's been almost a full year since I last saw you. Where have you been? Are these your friends? Please, come in!"

"Mom," Y/N announces, as they all enter the house. "This is Luffy." She introduces.

Luffy smiles his gummy smile, waving to Y/N's mother.

"This is Luffy?" She asks, observing the boy in front of her. "I guess it has been quite a while, hasn't it? I still imagined you as a child." Y/N's mother says, walking up to Luffy.

She glanced at the hat hanging from his neck, taking note of the worn out, yet cherished appearance of the hat. Sensing her gaze, Luffy pulled the hat up, placing it on his head, his expression showing a sense of pride and delight to her acknowledgment.

"Shanks hat..." Her mom reaches out, gently touching the hat. "I'm surprised you kept it in good shape after all these years, young one." She laughs, before looking to the rest of the crew. "And are you all friends of my daughter?"

"We're a part of Luffy's crew," Usopp steps up. "Been traveling with him for a bit now."

"But yes, we are also friends with Y/N here," Sanji says, admiration in his tone.

"I see where she gets her beauty from," He adds, his gaze shifting between Y/N and her mother.

"Oh!" Y/N's mother responds in shock, but also flatter. "I did my best with her. Come! Make yourselves comfortable! Have you guys eaten today?"

"I am pretty hungry," Luffy states, as he takes a seat at the dining table, looking up expectantly, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Watch out, he'll eat all your food," Nami warns, a sigh escaping her lips as she takes a seat across from him.

"Well, luckily I've been told I cook for an army," Y/N's mom chuckles, heading to the kitchen and grabbing out some pans and bowls. "How does steak and baked potatoes sound?"

"Amazing!" Luffy says happily, his grin never fading from his face.

"Why don't I help?" Sanji offers, tone filled with kindness and sincerity. As her mother struggles with the dishes, he reaches out and takes a few bowls from out of her hands.

Y/N's mother smiles as a thank you, before glancing behind her, catching Y/N's figure walking around. "So," She says gently. "Y/N? What have you been up to? Haven't heard from you since you left."

Y/N was making her way around the living room, her gaze wandering to the various pictures that were scattered about. Some were old, others were unfamiliar to her, yet all of them were cherished by her. She paused at one particular picture. The image was old, a photograph taken of Y/N as a child and her father, their faces filled with joy and laughter as they enjoyed each other's company. She picked it up gently.

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