An Apology Overdue

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"I know you don't like him, but he will always be your friend, Y/N. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll meet him again, and he'll be the best pirate out there. Even better than me. And on that day, you might decide that this lifelong friend you made when you were younger is your best chance to prove everybody wrong about you. And you may never need him, but you will want him by your side, so he will be."

Y/N sighs as she sits by the rail of the top deck. "He was annoying,"

"Everybody has gotten bothered by Luffy one way or another, Y/N," Shanks says, kneeling next to his daughter. "But I'll tell you what. Just because someone annoys you sometimes doesn't mean you get to treat them like a villain."

"I wasn't that mean to him, daddy," Y/N responds, looking up at Shanks.

"Well maybe not, little one." Shanks smiles at her softly. "I just think you were a little tough on him when all he wanted was a friend. He's a little boy, just as you're a little girl. You're both young and wild, say and do things that some people don't get. Others find it funny, some find it weird, maybe even obnoxious. But at the end of the day, who are we to judge anyone for being themselves?"

"You judge people all the time," Y/N watches her father stand up, looking up to him.

"Bad people. I judge bad people. Luffy is not one of them. Now, when you two meet again, I want you to promise me you'll apologize to him, will you?" He reaches his hand out to Y/N, helping her up to her feet.

She smiles, still looking up at her father. "I promise,"

"Good, now let's go get you some food, yeah?"


"Do you think I should apologize to him?"

"Do you think that warrants an apology?"

Y/N looks blankly at the floor after Nami's response. It had been a few minutes after Luffy stormed off upset at Y/N.

"I mean, I get he's upset. But I don't feel like I did anything wrong." Y/N says, looking up.

"You didn't do anything wrong, he just expected a different reaction out of you." Nami looked over at Luffy who was now sitting towards the front of the ship. "If you don't apologize, I'm sure he'll be okay."

The two then sat in silence for a moment watching Luffy. Breaking the silence, Usopp came walking out of the kitchen, a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Sanji made this really good soup if you guys want any. Better than last nights!" He says, looking at the two while still chewing his food. "Bread too!"

Nami's face twists in disgust at his lack of manners. "Could you not talk while you're eating?"

"Oh, sorry." Usopp turns towards the front of the ship. "Food, Luffy!"

But he didn't budge.

"You really took a toll on him, didn't you?" Usopp asks, turning his head back to Y/N.

Y/N sighs, as she and Nami walk into the kitchen, Usopp following behind. Y/N took a bowl that Sanji had already poured and grabbed a spoon. Taking a seat, she asks the guys, "Since you guys are...well, guys, do you think I was wrong for what happened?"

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