What's His Deal?

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The sound of Luffy's voice and the footsteps of several others wake Y/N from her peaceful slumber. As she tries to make sense of the situation and get her bearings, she sits up in her cot and listens to what's being said.

"Man, that was awesome!" Luffy says in an excited and animated manner.

"We got Nami back," he continues as he makes his way down below the deck. "Fought off bad fishmen guys," he continues, referring to the fight against Arlong's goons that he and his crew took part in. "And my grandpa just let me go?"

With Luffy leading the way, the rest of his crew follows behind him in a joyful and celebratory manner, their laughter and smiles filling the air. Sanji looks over towards Y/N and notices her sitting up in her cot.

He immediately offers to help, stating "How are you feeling, Y/N?" He continues by saying "How about I make you some soup? Help you feel better?"

"Make me something as well," Usopp adds. "I'm not sick, but I am hungry."

Y/N smiles and gives a nod of appreciation towards Sanji's proposition, welcoming the idea of some homemade soup. She then looks over to Nami, who has taken a seat near her.

"Nami, right?" Y/N asks Nami.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for blowing you off at the Baratie," Nami says, showing a bit of remorse but also trying to offer an explanation and reasoning behind her actions. "There was a lot going on," she says, "but thank you for helping me out when I asked."

Sanji lets out a slight chuckle as he looks over at Y/N and Nami, seeming to enjoy seeing their interactions.

"How could anyone resist helping Nami?" he wonders aloud.

Not expecting the question in return, Nami lets out a laugh and answers, "So you just flirt with everyone then?" She says jokingly, not taking the question too seriously.

Smiling, Y/N chimes in and says "Or is that what you call friendly conversation?" in a playful way, attempting to play along with Nami and have some fun with the banter.

Luffy walks over and sits down next to Y/N, his expression radiating happiness and excitement. "Ah, Y/N. You missed the coolest fight ever!" He says excitedly.

"I did?" Y/N asks, tilting her head slightly and showing an interest in the tale that Luffy is about to tell.

"I told you I'd have an awesome story to tell you!" Luffy responds with confidence, making it clear that he has every intention of delivering his earlier promise to Y/N.


"And so your dad saved me." Luffy explains to Y/N with a serious tone. "Now his arm is gone!"

Y/N interjects and gives a different version of how the events played out. "That's not how it happened, Luffy," she says, shaking her head slightly and disagreeing. "He lost his arm because the monster bit it off! It's obvious!" she continues.

"I'm telling you, I never saw it bite his arm off!" Luffy argues back, sticking to his original story of events and not letting Y/N have the last word on this aspect of their conversation.

"Well, it wasn't magic," Y/N responds with some level of frustration. She is clearly not accepting Luffy's explanation and is adamant that he's in the wrong. She's heard enough of his side of the argument, and she is prepared to offer her own interpretation of events.

Unfortunately, their playful bickering is interrupted by Makino.

"That's enough you two." Makino interjects, displaying an element of strictness in her tone. "Can't you two play like normal kids?"

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