S2 Chapter 11 - The Pollywog

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Thursday, November 1 1984

I tap my sneakers against the bleachers anxiously as I watch the boys' shirts vs. skins basketball match continue. Since I can't have my Walkman on the gym floor, I choose to silently hum 'Maniac' by Michael Sembello while I watch Harrington get his ass whooped by Hargrove. Steve looks up at me every so often, disheveled and distracted, and Billy certainly doesn't help.

He catches my gaze once again, causing Billy to snatch the ball. I raise a brow as I watch Steve get tripped and fall to his feet. Remember to grab him an ice pack later. Nancy rounds the corner of the bleachers I sit atop, calling out to Steve, quite pissed I must add.

"Steve?" She calls out. He turns her attention to her with a look of dread on his face before exiting the gym. The game isn't exciting without him; the shirts are still getting destroyed.

"Go get Harrington!" One of my classmates shouts to another. Billy takes this chance to look my way, sending a wink. I bashfully look away.


"Hey, Byers, wait up!" I turn my head over my shoulder to find Steve sprinting to catch up to me. He smells nice, must've taken a shower after gym.

"What's up?" I question, stopping in my tracks, holding my books in front of my waist.

"Could you - I mean, do you want to hang out tonight?" He pants, his face red. Me? Him? Alone? Hanging out...together? We've never done that.

"I mean, uh sure? My place? Or uh, did you have somewhere in mind?" I look at my feet embarrassed.

"Yeah, let's do your place...my parents are in town this week." He notes. I nod.

"So...see you after school? I guess..." I mumble.

"See ya, Byers." He says with a wave.


I arrive home, finding the driveway empty. I get no Mom, but no Jonathan? That's odd. Nonetheless, I enter my home, doing my best at tidying up my room for my esteemed guest. Folding clothes, placing them in their correct spots. Moving the 3 water cups I have off my nightstand into the kitchen. Suddenly the phone rings. I exit my room and rush down the hall.

"Byers residence," I answer.

"Hey, it's Steve, Steve Harrington...ya know from school." He mutters something away from the phone along the lines of 'of course she knows who you are, stupid'. "I was just wondering if you wanted me to pick up pizza or something, a movie even? I don't know." He chuckles.

"Oh, sure, pizza sounds great..." I say excited.

"Cool, I'll be there in like an hour?"

"Sounds good, see you soon." I hang up.


I hear the sound of a car coming down the driveway. I bolt out of my room, tearing off my headphones which play the cassette Steve gifted me for Christmas last year.

**Knock Knock**

I go to answer the door with pep in my step before I take a pause. Wait, if I answer too fast is that weird? I open the door to Steve looking around my porch holding a pizza. I invite him in. He walks in without saying a word, and follows me to my room.

"Ya know...it's weird. Last time I was here was well...you know." Steve says, looking around my room. "Didn't get a chance to look in here last time...it's cool, it screams you." He adds.

"Thanks? And yeah, I forget that was the last time you were here...oh lemme go grab some napkins." I say swiftly exiting my room, rushing past Steve who stands with his hands on his hips as he takes in my bedroom.

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