Chapter 4: The body

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reminder~~comments are always welcome here!

As cops tour through our home investigating with flashlights, I sit frozen, numb on the couch, staring at the missing posters of my now-dead brother.

"-Accidently fell in. The earth must have given away. Joyce? Joyce? Do you understand what I'm saying." Hop speaks softly.

"No," My mom says shaking her head. She trembles. "Whoever you not my boy. It's not Will."


"No, you don't understand. I talked to him a half hour ago." Mom walks past me and towards the wall. "He was. He was here. He was. He was talking with these." She holds up bundles of flashlights.

Alright, I've had enough of this. I thought and walked out of the room to my own. I laid down on my bed, curled up into a ball, and began to cry. I just want my brother back. I just want Will. The lights flicker briefly in my room before returning to their off-state.

Flash forward to The Coroners office

I stood to the left of Mom as Jonathan stood to her right. We watched through the glass as the coroner lifted the sheet over Will's head. Jonathan looked like he was gonna barf and I shared that feeling right now. As he ran out I clutched the wall for support. Before I knew it my mom ran out of there as well screaming left and right that it wasn't my brother, that it wasn't Will.

Jonathan and I scurried out after her in a hurry, trying to calm her down but ultimately failing.

"Mom. Stop" I reach for her arm.

"Just go home Y/N!" She turns around shaking me off. Jonathan intervenes.

"No, this is not an okay time for you to shut down." He states. I look down at the concrete.

"Shut down, what?" She retaliates.

"We have to deal with this Mom" Jonathan glances at me and I nod. "We have to deal with the funeral!" His statement sent chills down my spine.

"The funeral?!" Mom's eyes go wide. Oh no. "For- For who? For that thing back there?" She shouts even louder, pointing behind Jonathan.

"Okay, let me get this straight. Will, that's not his body, because he's in the lights, right? And there's a monster in the wall. Do you even hear yourself?" Jonathan rambles. More people start to stare.

"I know it sounds crazy. I- I sound crazy! You think I don't know that?! It is crazy! But I heard him, Jonathan. And Y/N heard him too!" She shouts.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"Don't rope Y/N in on your craziness for backup Mom," Jonathan adds.

"It doesn't matter, he talked to me! Will is... is calling to me. And he's out there, and he's alone, and he's scared, and I... I don't care if anyone believes me! I am not gonna stop looking for him until I find him and bring him home." She ends her tangent as a crowd of people watch. "I am going to bring him home!" She adds before storming off.

"Yeah, well, while you're talking to the lights, the rest of us are having a funeral for Will!" My brother shouts. "I'm not letting him sit in that freezer another day." I scoff looking around.

"Alright shows over so beat it," I say to the crowd before walking back to my car.

Y/N is now at school

Sadly, the scene hasn't changed much here, since the second I arrived the cops took me for questioning about Barbara's disappearance. I just want to go back to bed.

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