What is wrong? I asked while I took a deep, shuddering breath and released it with a small whoosh, trying to release some of the guilt but couldn't. Please. I don't like feeling like this.

"Well?" Xavier asked when I didn't answer but took a couple of bites of food. Concern filled his eyes, but that was the only thing I could pick up on him before he closed himself off again. "Was the principal not nice to you?"

I shrugged and decided to deal with this mental battle later, ignoring my mother's concerned look. "It's not that he was rude to me. He was nice and all, but... he..." I shrugged again and cleared my throat while I shook my head and grimaced. "I don't know how to say it nicely."

My mother bit back a snort because she knew what I meant. She took a bite of her food and kept quiet while she stared at us.

I shook my head at my mother before I looked at both Bryson and Xavier. "Basically, if he was on fire, and I had a glass of water, I would drink it and not help him put it out."

"No you won't," my mother scolded while she narrowed her eyes and dipped her head closer to her chest, amused. "Stop lying, Cassidy Anne. You would help him."

I pressed my lips into a thin line and shrugged. "Well, I would think about drinking it," I said, "even if I wouldn't actually do it and help him."

"I guess my question is, would you save us?" Bryson asked and raised an eyebrow. Amusement filled his eyes while he studied me, and I grinned.

"Probably," I said before I shrugged. "I mean, you haven't done anything to piss me off."

Bryson snorted and slowly nodded. He looked at his father before he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Qu'en est-il de mon père? (What about my dad?)" he asked in French, and my mother stopped eating to look at us curiously. "Le sauveriez-vous s'il était en feu? (Would you save him if he was on fire?)"

I glanced at Xavier to see that he looked confused and a little upset before I looked at Bryson again. "Comprend-il le français? (Does he understand French?)" I asked and glanced at Xavier again before I looked at him a third time.

He shook his head no. "Il ne le parle pas non plus. (He doesn't speak it either.)"

"Pourquoi pas? (Why not?)" I asked and raised an eyebrow, and Bryson shrugged and grimaced.

"Je ne sais pas, (I don't know,)" he replied honestly before he cleared his throat. "Il ne m'a jamais dit quand je lui ai demandé. (He never told me when I asked.)"

"Hmph," I said, and a small smirk appeared on my face while I dipped my head closer to my chest. "Lui avez-vous demandé en français? (Did you ask him in French?)" I raised an eyebrow in question.

Bryson shook his head. "Je n'ai pas, (I did not,)" he said. "Iui ai-je demandé en anglais. (I asked him in English.)"

I glanced at Xavier before I looked at Bryson, curious and silently wondering what Xavier said and what they talked about. "Qu'a t'il dit? (What did he say?)" I asked and cocked my head while I studied him.

"Cassidy," my mother interjected in French, and I looked at her innocently with wide eyes. She scowled and narrowed her eyes, but there was a small trace of amusement and sadness in them while she looked at me. "Arrêt. (Stop.)"

I pouted and cocked my head while I studied her. "Pourquoi? (Why?)" I asked innocently. "Je ne fais de mal à personne. (I am not hurting anyone.)"

"Tu deviens trop fouineur, (You are getting too nosey,)" she replied. She narrowed her eyes further and scowled, but I could tell that she was amused. "Arrêt. (Stop.)"

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Where stories live. Discover now