Chapter 5: Tatsu-Tatsu

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Sitting outside of the classroom, Kouhei looked up at the ceiling. There was nothing interesting in the slightest, but it was a way to pass time.
Mr. Ohashi is lucky. If I didn't have so much on my plate with these Stand Users, I would really let him have it. I can't take any risks and put my girlfriend in danger, though it'd be nice if I could stay home and spoil my cute little sister once she gets back from school.
Kouhei's corners of his mouth curled up into a smile. Kouhei had a soft side despite his tough guy act, especially when it came to his little sister, Aoi. Suddenly, a cold drop of water fell on his cheek. Kouhei jolted and sat up straight as he wiped his face. When he wiped it, a stinging feeling was left behind.
"Did I always have a cut here? Maybe it's a pimple....but whatever that was, that was weird."
Kouhei stood up but then immediately fell over. His vision becomes blurry, his head as light as a feather.
Huh? What's this? Why do I feel so lightheaded? I was feeling fine earlier... could it have been the water? If so, then, Historia Blue.

Kouhei's corners of his mouth curled up into a smile. Kouhei had a soft side despite his tough guy act, especially when it came to his little sister, Aoi. Kouhei moved over to the left as water fell and hit the ground, but as it did, another drop came out of nowhere and landed on his face, making him lightheaded again.
"What's going on here? Is this a stand attack?"
Kouhei jumped back into the past once again, changing his course of action once again. Kouhei bolted through the halls. Drops of water began to fall out of nowhere. There isn't a hole in the ceiling, nor a leaky pipe. A leaky pipe wouldn't do this. It was raining throughout the halls he ran in. Kouhei made a quick turn into the faculty room and hid behind the door.
"It's not raining in here, so I should be safe."
Just as Kouhei said it, when he looked out of the window, a strange, transparent figure could be seen outside. It looked like a humanoid dragon made of water. It had no pupils. The stand was basically blind but continued to pursue on pure instinct.
"A stand?! No... but this it really a Stand?"
The humanoid dragon of water suddenly jumped into the door and vanished. Kouhei, in shock with cold sweat running down his cheek, fell back. The temperature began to drop. Kouhei's lips cracked, his throat feeling dry.
"What's with this feeling? I'm... suddenly cold."
Looking down at his right hand that rested on the floor beside him, water could be seen flowing out of him, the face of the water dragon in it.
"Water's leaving my body. This isn't good."
Kouhei got up, his legs feeling weak and shaking with each step. As Kouhei attempted to run, he found a water bottle sitting out. Grabbing it and chugging it down, all of his strength returned.
"Dehydration....i may not be that smart, but I think I figured it's abilities."

Junpei stared out of the window, watching the birds fly by, then redirected his attention to the girls' gym class outside.
What's taking Tatsu-Tatsu so long? Why is Kouhei still alive?
"Mr. Takezashi, could you read page 36?"
Junpei had completely drowned out his teacher as he was focused on eliminating Kouhei until...
Junpei quickly stood up as a chill ran down his spine.
Heaving a long sigh, Mr. Ohashi scratched his cheek.
"I know you're new, but please do try to pay attention in my class. I don't want another Kouhei here."
"Y- yes sir, I'm very sorry."
Junpei bowed, low enough so no one could see his face. His face was filled with anger. Veins popped out of his head while his hand trembled, trying to control himself so he didn't call his stand back to kill Mr. Ohashi.
"It's fine. It's fine. Page 36, please."

"When you turn into water and are on the ground, you cause dehydration, but when you're on the ceiling making it rain, you cause overhydration. So, to put it short, you're a water type stand. Then I'll just have to destroy everything."
Kouhei crouched down as Historia Blue emerged once again.
Kouhei unleashed a series of attacks everywhere, destroying the faculty room in a span of 10 seconds.
"How'd ya like that ya prick?"
Kouhei spoke too soon. A drop of water landed on his cheek, causing him to stumble.
"Shit, I messed up."
But there's one thing I can confirm. Its dehydration and overhydration have no effect on my stand. It only affects the user...wait...that means....I have an idea.
This was one of the rare moments where Kouhei actually had an idea. Calling upon his stand one more time, Kouhei jumped back in time before he attacked the stand.

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