Chapter 2: Historia Blue

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    That sound rang out. It was a gun shot. Who shot? Who was hit? I quickly broke away from my prayer and looked over. It was a horrifying scene. A man in a black trench coat, holding a 9mm pistol. He was the one that shot. If he was the one that shot, then who's the one that's hit? I looked over to my right, covered in cold sweat. The one who was shot, was none other than my girlfriend. Her blood was splattered all over the ground and the offering box, her brains splatter everywhere. Her blood was even on me. Sh- she's dead. She's. Dead. SHE'S DEAD!! SHE'S-...MY GIRLFRIEND-...YUMEKO IS DEAD!! AFTER I PROMISED TO PROTECT HER!! I'M A FAILURE!!
  "Yo, Blue Blood Kouhei." The man in the trench coat spoke. His words like ice wrapping around my throat like a coiling snake. How could this man not be the one with the title 'Blue Blood'? It would fit him perfectly. The man in the trench coat took off his hood. A scar on his face can be seen, like a bit of his flesh was ripped off. "Remember me? I'm one of the guys you beat up 5 years ago to earn yourself the title 'Blue Blood.' You should thank me. I did the honor of making her death instantaneous."
    I couldn't respond. I was frozen stiff. This was the first time someone like me has known fear. The reason I never felt a fear like this isn't because I was never faced with a gun. It was because the one person I swore to protect is dead. I wish there was some way to bring her back. If only I wasn't weak. If only I wasn't foolish. If only the gods didn't frown upon me. If I could make one wish...I wish I could go back to the past, even if just a little bit so I can save her. I had shut my eyes tightly and clenched my fist until it bled. My feelings had been pushed to the edge and heightened and then-
    I stood up, holding the 100 Yen coin in my hand. What the hell? How is this happening? My wish. It came true. But if I'm at this moment...then Yumeko is going to get shot soon. I have to stop it.
    I turned around without a moments waste.
    "Kouhei what's wrong?" Yumeko looked at me worried. But there was no time to waste. I don't know if I'll be granted this chance again.
    The man in a black trench coat stood behind her reaching into it.
    "DON'T TOUCH HER YOU SUNNUVA BITCH!!" Suddenly something emerged. Something that felt like an extension of my body. A mental image of myself beating the trash out of this man.
    "USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, USELESS!!! USELESS!!!!" A flood of punches came out, way faster than I could throw them myself and much more powerful. The man was sent flying back, bloody, battered, and bruised. His gun broke in the process. I don't know what happened but I do know this, she's safe.
    "What happened Kouhei?" Yumeko was shocked by the sudden events.
    "That man was trying to kill you. He was one of the guys I beat in that alley that earned me the title 'Blue Blood'."
    "How....did you know that? And what was that thing? You didn't even touch him but when you screamed it sent him flying away."
    "What? You can't see this?" My mental image was still there. It's blue and muscular but also has a clock on its chest where it's its spinning counterclockwise.
    "See what?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly confused.
    I see. So its only something I can see. I guess it makes sense. It's my mental image.
    "Kouhei. You sure are acting strange. Let's go home. We already caused ruckus in a sacred place. It's better if we leave now."
    "Huh. Oh yeah." Taking her hand we fled, but before walking past the Torii gate, I stopped by Yumeko's murderer.
    "Try something again and I'll be sure to end your life next time."

    I walked Yumeko home, still processing all of the events that happened. I'd made sure she got in safely and told her to call me if anything happened. Face up in my bed I stare at the ceiling. The moonlight peeking through my window.
    "Was that all real? Did I actually go back into the past?" A slight unease brushed over me. A small petite silhouette can be seen until hit by the moon light.
    "Koko? Can I sleep with you tonight? I had a bad dream."
    'Koko' a nickname she gave me. This girl is none other than my little sister. Her name is Aoi Shibatsuki. She's still half asleep, rubbing her eye as she approached me with her blanket. Who could say no to my cute little sister?
    "Of course you can sleep here." Scooting over, I make room for her on the bed as she climbed on. Holding onto me she instantly fell asleep. This mental image thing. Can I still use it? I thought to myself. I held my hand out, reaching into the sky, gathered my thoughts quickly and then I was able to extend my hand. A blue hand reached out into the air, touching and caressing the ceiling above me.
    "If I use this thing then I must give it a name." I kept picking through my brain, running through many different names until one specific one stood out. "If I could go back into the past and change the present....then I'll name this ability of mine, Historia Blue. If this has something to do with that arrowhead and my dad then I'm going to make sure to make full use of this. I will get that arrowhead before anyone else can. If more people gain abilities like this, Yumeko and Aoi will be in troubl-." Something boney and powerful collided with my jaw, almost making me bite my tongue. My little sister who was just sleeping peacefully ruined the peace and kicked me straight in the jaw. What kind of dream could she be having? Right when I was having a serious moment. What a waste.

    I left the house earlier than the usual time. Despite it being spring we still get some chilly mornings. I've always been the type of person more resistant to heat so when it came to the cold. I guess that's because I was born in Egypt. I called Yumeko and told her to go on ahead without me and to make sure she walks with her friends. The reason being I have business with the Kanda Myojin Shrine. Approaching the shrine I felt something off. The closer I walk on the right side of the Torii gates the colder I get but the closer I walk on the left the hotter I get. Could it be? More people with abilities like mine? Running right down the middle, going against all tradition I ran and ran until I found the source of the heat and the cold. A couple that seems to be arguing but they suddenly turn to me. The man looked dead into my soul.
    "Are you a stand user as well?"
    "What's a stand?" I asked out of curiosity. The man had spikey black hair with gray patches that curled at the roots, wore a suit. He must work at a company like my dad.
    "You really don't know what a stand is? And you're one the arrow chose? Ridiculous." The man scoffed and didn't even look in my direction anymore.
    That stand thing is probably what my Historia Blue is. Does that mean they can use similar things as well? I need more information. Looking around then walking up to the offering box and looking under I saw nothing there.
    "What happened to the arrow that was under here? That arrow is dangerous and bad if it winds up in the wrong hands."
    "YOU FOOL!! ITS THAT SNEAKY WOMAN RIGHT THERE WHO STOLE IT!!" He screamed at me at the top of his lungs. It may be possible since he knows all of this, that he works at this shrine.
    "HAH? I didn't steal it. Where's your proof?" The long hair woman glared icy darts at the man producing the heat. She was wearing a short skirt and looked like she was in her early 20's, wearing a white Tshirt that says 'Tokyo U'.
    "YOU'RE LITERALLY HIDING IT IN A TOWEL UP YOUR CRACK!! YOU FILTHY, INDECENT, YUKI-ONNA!! GO SPARK FOX!!" A stand emerged from the man. It looked like a humanoid fox with clouds around its shoulders with prayer beads around the neck and blue fox flame floating around the air.
    "YOU PERVERTED PIECE OF SHIT EAT THIS!! DANCING FROST!!" A stand emerged from the woman. The stand is white and light blue with ice for the eyes and for the hands. A stand battle about to appear before my eyes. Things won't end too well. I must protect myself at all costs.

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