Chapter 3: Son of DIO

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"What happened to the arrow that was under here? That arrow is dangerous and bad if it winds up in the wrong hands."
"YOU FOOL!! IT'S THAT SNEAKY WOMAN RIGHT THERE WHO STOLE IT!!" He screamed at me at the top of his lungs. It may be possible since he knows all of this, that he works at this shrine.
"HAH? I didn't steal it. Where's your proof?" The long-haired woman glared icy darts at the man producing the heat. She was wearing a short skirt and looked like she was in her early 20s, wearing a white T-shirt that says 'Tokyo U'.
"YOU'RE LITERALLY HIDING IT IN A TOWEL UP YOUR CRACK!! YOU FILTHY, INDECENT, YUKI-ONNA!! GO SPARK FOX!!" A stand emerged from the man. It looked like a humanoid fox with clouds around its shoulders with prayer beads around the neck and blue fox flame floating around the air.
"YOU PERVERTED PIECE OF SHIT EAT THIS!! DANCING FROST!!" A stand emerged from the woman. The stand is white and light blue with ice for the eyes and for the hands. A stand battle about to appear before my eyes. Things won't end too well. I must protect myself at all costs.

"Historia Blue, huh. I see. That's an interesting stand you got there. But stay out of my way. This woman is my prey." The man said, furrowing his brows concentrating on the woman and her icy stand right in front of him. "SPARK FOX!!" His stand made the first move throwing a fast punch with its right arm at her. The woman didn't stand still, though. She jumped to the left as her shirt was grazed by it.
"Is that really all you got? I might not even need my stand." The woman crossed her arms and closed her eyes as if the fight was already won. "Hey, is something burning?" She opened her eyes. The smell of smoke lingered in the air, traveling along the gentle breeze. Looking down, she saw that her shirt was on fire in the area where she was hit. "Wh- what?!" She was in complete shock.
"You see, anything my stand touches catches on fire. That's my Spark Fox." The man had a smirk on his face. But that didn't last long as the woman reacted and tore off a part of her shirt that was burning, revealing a little bit of the underwire to her white bra.
"That's quite the perverted stand. It's as if you're dying to see a woman naked." She was unphased by it, hissing out words in a seductive matter. It's as if she's a snake and already has her prey where she wants it.
"WATCH OUT MISTER!! SHE HAS SOMETHING PLANNED!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping he would react quickly.
"Too late. It was a nice attempt, boy." Her stand wasn't behind her. Her stand was behind the man and touched his stand in the neck.
"Wh- what? A remote controlled stand?!"
"My stand loves dancing around the battlefield. If you paid attention to the name and my stand, you wouldn't be in this predicament."
What's the woman going to do? What's her plan? Ice began to flow out of its hand, trapping the stand. Ice was completely wrapped around its neck. What was happening to Spark Fox began to affect the man who is the user. His face was flushed. There is no sign of proper blood flow as he started looking pale.
"I see. W- with your stand. Its hands freeze the inside of a body, causing poor blood flow. I'm losing consciousness. I'm not....getting" The man used the last bit of his energy to speak before passing out. Without proper blood flow, he can't get the oxygen where he needs it. That means I must defeat this woman. If I can defeat her, then it just might undo the effects of her stand.

The teacher, Mr. Ohashi started attendance. Kouhei is pretty late. I thought he left out early to handle some business. I hope he didn't get caught up in some fight. I looked out of the window. I'm hoping to see Kouhei approaching the school soon. There's no sign. The only thing there is is the deadness of winter. Winter is not right. It's spring, but the temperature is very cold and dry.
"Yumeko Toyomi?"
"H- here!"
"Seems like today is going to be a great day. There's no Kouhei. I guess he must've gotten sick by the cold. Or perhaps he got arrested. That would serve him right. Or maybe he got his ass beat for thinking he's the toughest guy around. Sucks to suck." Mr. Ohashi is in a chipper mood today. Without filter, he continued to talk badly about Kouhei.
"U- um. Mr. Ohashi?"
"Yes, Toyomi?" He looked over with a big smile on his face.
"C- c- c-." I could not speak up for some reason. It's like I got a frog in my throat.
"I'm in a good mood, so take your time while I prepare today's lesson."
I pinched myself in the leg. The feeling of pain cleared my throat as I gained the confidence to speak again.
"Mr. Ohashi. Please don't talk bad about Kouhei or wish bad things on him while he's not here, please."
The whole class is in shock except a few. My friend Airi Hatori looked back my way with a smile on her face. It seemed like she was proud of me standing up for my boyfriend. Airi is also my childhood friend, like Kouhei. She was my first friend before I officially became friends with Kouhei. Because of her foreigner father, her hair was dark brown. She has big round eyes that give off a childlike look to her. No matter what situation she's in, she always finds a way to smile through the good and the bad.
"Toyomi." Mr. Ohashi spoke firmly as his head was looking down.
"Y- yes, Mr. Ohashi?"
"NEVER MENTION KOUHEI AGAIN!! I HATE THAT SON OF A BITCH WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL!!! I'LL TALK AS MUCH SHIT AS I WANT!! NEVER RUIN MY GOOD MOOD AGAIN!!" He slammed his hand against the wall, putting a crack into it and reached for his cup of coffee, taking a sip. "NOW MY COFFEE TASTES LIKE SHIT BECAUSE YOU MENTIONED HIM!!"
"Mr. Ohashi. Please forgive Yuyu-. I mean Miss Toyomi. She meant no harm mentioning the name of the student you hate the most." The voice that spoke out was none other than Airi. She stood up and bowed, asking for forgiveness in my place. I bowed as well.
"Fine. Since you seem sorry enough, I'll let it slide. Now open your textbooks to page 250."
Both Airi and I sat down. She looked over and gave me the thumbs up. She's the best friend anyone could ask for. Without her, I don't know what I will do.

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