Chapter 7: Cursed is the one who kills (Pocket Park)

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"Kouhei. Why the hell did you take me here with you? You know I'm your enemy, right? I'm with Taiyo no Onkei, the group trying to obtain Amaterasu's blessing." Junpei was genuinely confused. One moment, Kouhei would treat him like an enemy. The next, he would treat him like a friend.

"I took you with us because you know the Stand User, right? Tell us all about him."

"I-...I can't...that'll be betrayal."

"Then tell us his Stand."

"Are you stupid?! That's the same as betrayal."

"Huh? Who the hell did you call stupid?!" Kouhei snapped as he butt heads with Junpei, literally.

"You you stupid Dumbledore."

"Historia Blue!"


Just in the moment, the both of them were about to start fighting, the soft footsteps echoed in the distance. They suddenly stopped with the breeze. Kouhei and Junpei stopped. They turned around to realize Natsuki is gone. In a hurry, they run into the Shrine, but in the moonlight in front of them was a strange silhouette in between Natsuki and them. Just then, it had vanished again, and the clouds fell upon the earth, unleashing a dense fog. Left, right, left, right, above, behind, below, left, right-

"Well, well. If it isn't the runt of the group, Jupipi~"

The voice of a young man. He appeared right in between Kouhei and Junpei.

"Are you here to fetch the arrow for me? Or did the voices of death call your name?"

His face couldn't be seen at all, but malice could be felt oozing from the depths of his soul. He was walking fear. Just in that moment....MURDER! Both Kouhei and Junpei laid on the ground, bleeding out. They were cold, but not from the chilly night temperature. No. But from something far worse and far cruel. Was it a Stand attack? No. He had two short swords equipped. The famous Shinsekai killer made his move.


"Ah~...nothing turns me on more than fresh blood in the moonlight~, especially the blood of beautiful children such as yourself~" The killer spoke with a tone of ecstasy. The fog disappeared, revealing his looks under the beautiful starry night sky. The moon shone on him as if it were a spotlight. The killer had light grey hair with lavender and black highlights. His eyes like silver and his face like gold. A young man who bore slight feminine facial features. He had long eyelashes and lavender and gold colored eyeshadow. He wore three lip rings and a gold and diamond dangle earring in his left ear with an amethyst hanging at the end. He had a rose and thorn tattoo wrapped around his neck. His exterior gave the vibe of a model, but the interior was far crueler and darker. The soul of a murderer who kills for fun. He wore a light gray trenchcoat with it opened, revealing he's shirtless and wore long gray jean pants. He wore ordinary sneakers, which didn't entire define his "rich" aesthetic.

He stared at Natsuki right before him. His bloodlust was so dense and heavy. He truly was the famous Shinsekai killer around these parts. Only a few know his real name, therefore everyone called him "Kyokotsu".

" look like you'll be a delicious meal. Please feed me your blood...and that arrow~"

The musical stand user had just stepped inside the shrine but he felt alone. He spun around looking for his newly acquainted allies only to be met with the cold gaze of a mad man. Clenching his fist and forming the arm of his stand, Natsuki was ready to engage in battle. But something felt different about him now, unlike his battle with Junpei and Kouhei he was completely prepared to kill.

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