chapter 21: spy in disguise

Start from the beginning

Something was definitely up, and I'm not going to rest until I figure it out.

Vincent's pov:

After I hurriedly scolded the new assassins I hired, I made a discrete head nod for him to visit my office later. He notices this and runs away before anymore publicity stunts take place.

That fucker.

I swear to god he doesn't know how to do anything. I set a mental note to take this up with Adrien about the new hires later. The only mission I sent my assassins to go after was against the British mafia. If that fuck-ward thought that anyone with a British accent was from the mafia he needs a lesson. Who knows how many fuckups happened whilst he was on the clock? And he fucking  dares to touch my sister. I redirect my thoughts onto the situation in-front of me.

Natasha Amor Morales.

I walked over to her to assess if she sustained any damages. "Nat, are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you in pain anywhere?" The questions flowed out of me before I could even register what I was saying. I let my nerves and instincts control me for once, and it felt different. It felt like the need to protect her, like a brotherly sixth sense.

I couldn't fathom the possibility of seeing her hurt.

"Woah there, yea I'm a-ok mate. No need to stress." My princess replies calmly. She doesn't appear to be as overwhelmed as I was just mere moments ago. "Oh alright." I manage to get out of my mouth. It was a lame response but I was just relieved she wasn't hurt by that stupid shit hole of an assassin.

"That's my girl." Flynn murmurs discreetly but loud enough for Nat and I to hear. She gives him a small smile in response.

I turn my head towards the second imbecile of my day. I give him an 'If you don't shut up in 5 seconds look, I'm going to have your head on a pitchfork'  kinda look. He dismisses my remark as if he didn't hear me properly, which I know he did. Flynn then proceeds to turn his full attention towards me and asks "Why did he speak to you as if you're his boss? Hm?"

Oh shit.

I didn't know that he spoke Portuguese. It wasn't a common language to learn in the UK, but he surprised me nonetheless. I only found out recently that Nat speaks it fluently too. Must be a thing they did in their old area. The stress comes back and rests like heavy weights on my shoulder. I knew deep down, that I shouldn't be lying to Nat, especially after the fact that I'm trying to gain her trust back. But I also can't help the fact that she should never ever find out about the mafia.

And I mean never.

She's has the innocence of a child and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon. Although I did witness her taking down that failed assassin, she is still far off from being mentally developed. She is so young and I don't want her to think of us as dangerous. I dismiss my thoughts and reply to Flynn's stupid question.

I also happen to posses the great skill of lying.

"As a working retailer, I happen to know many thieves that lurk my property. It so happens that Mario has encountered me before and I have warned him to never touch anything that belongs to me again, but unfortunately for him, he has." I announce. A few moments pass before Flynn murmurs sarcastically "I see.."

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