Chapter 01

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It's daytime in Japan, and Ruby decided to go out to explore the city to get familiar

Ruby: I'm coming mom, I'm going to tour the city - she says walking out the door

Agatha: Ok honey, but don't get lost – she says while is getting ready to go to work

Ruby then starts walking while she listens to music through her headphones. As she walks, she can't stop thinking about her friends from Oceanside and feeling bad for not even saying goodbye to them

At that, she accidentally bumps into a green-haired boy who was running towards the beach without realizing it

Ruby: Sorry, are you okay? – She says helping him lift him up

???: Y-Yes, n-nothing happens - he says nervously, but then he is surprised to see her blue skin - H-Hey, aren't you from around here?

Ruby: Yes, I'm Ruby Gillman, normal teenager - she says, introducing herself cheerfully

Izuku: I-I'm M-Midoriya I-Izuku, and by the way, why is your skin blue? – he asks nervously

Ruby: O-Oh, I'm from Canada - she says nervously, hiding her true origin

Izuku: I-I see, I thought it was your quirk

Ruby: Quirk? What's that? - she says doubtfully

Izuku: Don't you know what a Quirk is? - he says surprised, to which Ruby shakes her head - W-Well, you see...

And so, Izuku tells him the story of the quirks, that 80% have them but the rest don't, heroes and villains came out, and you know, what they always tell in anime

Ruby: Ooooh, that's amazing - she says happily - (I honestly don't know if I can say that my kraken genes are quirk, I would still use saying that I'm from Canada, but without the excuse of my blue skin) - she thinks happily - well the I really think that my blue skin must be because of my "quirk" so to speak, and it's not just me, my whole family also has blue skin

Izuku: Really? - he says surprised - and what is your quirk called? -She says, taking out a notebook from who knows where

Ruby: My "quirk" is called kraken - it says simple

Izuku: Kraken?! like in the legends that said they sank ships - he says fearfully

Ruby: Nonono, we don't do that, and my powers are based on having kraken powers, which until now I only discovered that I can stretch my body, plus we don't have bones, but I have a stretching limit, and that I can turn into a giant kraken - explains

Izuku: I see, interesting, she says, writing in her notebook, but haven't you discovered what else you can do with your giant form? Because on the news, I saw that a kraken had destroyed a library, that was you, right?

Ruby: Yes... it was me, but I did it accidentally, I didn't know I could transform into that, I swear - she says sadly

Izuku: I-It's okay, sometimes we are afraid of the unknown - she says, calming her down

Ruby: And you have what they call quirk? - She question him

Izuku gets very nervous, since he promised All Might to hide it, and obviously he is not going to tell her if he barely knows her, so he got an idea

Izuku: E-Em Ruby-san, if you don't mind, c-can you come train w-with me on the beach? - he says nervously

Ruby: Really? - she says surprised - and why are you asking me that?

Izuku: I-It's just that my mentor is there, and he helps me train my Quirk, so I-I don't think he would mind training someone else - he says nervously.

A Kraken Superheroine - Ruby Gillman in Boku no HeroWhere stories live. Discover now