chapter twenty eight

Start from the beginning

"Double- Okay time to go. Love you Tiny." Derek said as he tried to leave but Lottie stopped him once again.

"You love me?" She asked innocently with a big grin on her face as Derek realised what he said. "Aw, Toto. Love you too big guy." She hugged him tightly as he held her too. She was proud of him, he was so closed off, she was just happy she could break down those walls. She'd found a brother in not only him but Isaac too and she loved them both dearly. "Now piss off." She smiled as she shoved him away.

"Laters, Tiny." He laughed as he walked away climbing into his Camaro and speeding off as Lottie got a text message.

Allycat: Can we meet? I think we need to talk xxxxxx

Lottie frowned slightly before biting her lip and sending a reply.

Lotts: I think so too. Skipped class so meet at the bleachers?xxxxx

When Lottie received confirmation she sighed and made her way to the bleachers, mentally preparing for this discussion. She knew it was time for them to try and recover their friendship. She missed the girl far too much to continue this way.

Allison was already at the bleachers, nervously picking at her gloved hands before looking up and smiling hesitantly at Lottie who smiled back.

"Hey Allycat." Lottie greeted softly as she sat next to her, turning her body to face the nervous girl.

"Hey Lotts." Allison replied, before inhaling deeply. "Look, Scott explained everything to me. How my mum was going to kill him and probably you too and you were protecting him and Derek was protecting him. It's just she was my mum you know? And I know you're the reason I had that last conversation with her and I cannot be more grateful. But despite that; my actions are unforgivable. I shot you Lottie. Multiple times." Allison scoffed at herself.

"I'm aware of that." Lottie sarcastically chuckled.

"Sorry doesn't come close to how awful I feel. And I know you probably don't want to forgive me but I swear from here on out I will do everything I can to make it up to you-"

"Allycat. Look, I don't want to drag this out any longer. I love you. You're one of my best friends and both of our actions have hurt each other. I won't lie and say that what you did, didn't affect me. It did. You shot me. Three times. But I also know that me defending Toto hurt you too. I apologise for that. I'm not expecting you to understand my reasons but I'll explain them if that will help us?" Lottie offered, knowing that her reasons were valid but wanting to be sympathetic too.

"I'd like that."

"I defend Toto because he has no one to defend him. He's one of my best friends and he was saving Scott. I know he bit your mother. I know he did. Forgive me, this may sound insensitive but Allycat, she made that choice. And despite her trying to kill me, I wish she'd chosen differently and that you still had her. I really wish you still had her Allison." Lottie reached out and held Allison's hand as a tear fell from her eye at Lottie's words. Despite Lottie's words hurting her, she knew it was the truth, her mother had chosen to end her life - not Lottie, not Derek. But Allison couldn't forgive Derek. Not yet anyway.

"I know. I wish she was here too. But she's not and you are and you're one of my best friends Lottie." Allison croaked out as her voice cracked, tears flowing freely now. "I want to make this right. I'll do whatever- I'm just so sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I think we'll be okay, you know?" Lottie offered, nudging the crying girl slightly with a small smile as she wrapped her arm around her. Allison sniffled slightly as she rest her head on Lottie's shoulder.

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