46; Under The Cherry Blossoms.

Start from the beginning

"Relax," He cut her off softly before she could go on to ramble. "I was simply pulling your leg." He was never one to get angry easily. Now, thinking about it, it is one of the many facts about him that she liked.

He glanced at his wrist watch, taking note of the time. "The next bus back to Busan leaves in an hour. So, I can spend roughly 45 minutes with you." He dropped his hand, meeting her gaze. "Let's have dinner together. I want to spend time with you." There was no ill thought behind his words, he simply came all the way there to spend some time with his girlfriend.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Amina already had dinner with Abuwi, and she wasn't feeling hungry but she wouldn't break that to him. The least she could do was entertain him. So, she smiled and bobbed her head in agreement.

Extending her hand out to him, she waited till he placed his in hers before she held it firmly and softly pulled him away. "Let me take you to this place I was with my dad earlier. Their food is great."

"Let's go then."

They had dinner as planned, she even had a few bites that wouldn't hurt all the while they talked about everything and nothing. She loved talking to Hamoud like that, it was nice for they never seem to run out of things to say.

She's known him since she joined university, and though their relationship only escalated to what it was, a stage of mutual agreement to recognize themselves as a couple a week ago, she felt as though she'd known him her whole life.

And by that, she meant she could see a future with him, a beautiful one.

She was yet to break the news to the girls, simply because she planned to hogging the beautiful news to herself for a while before revealing it to them. They'd been waiting for it, shipping the two for as long as she could remember.

She can't imagine their reactions when they finally find out that she's with Hamoud.

After the dinner, they took a stroll around the cherry blossom park for a while, admiring the beauty of it and simply enjoying being with each other before the time for him to leave came. He insisted to walking back to her hotel, but she reminded him that he'll be late if he does that so she forced him to leave before he could miss the bus.

He begrudgingly left, not before she made him promise to call her when he gets back, so she can know he's returned safely. She waited until he was out of sight before she strolled back to the hotel quietly.

In only about ten minutes, the hotel came to sight. All she had to do was cross the street and get in, retiring for the night but something held her back. It's a nagging feeling, one that's been there the whole night and impossible to shake off no matter how hard she tries to.

She thought she could ignore it, but it kept bothering her.

Amina sighed, coming to a halt. She blinked, her hands fisting by the side for she could no longer hold it. She could pretend all she wants, but it's starting to get on her nerves, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

So, she folded her lips in, her eyes flicking close for her a moment. Her voice followed, low, going along with the breeze. "Why do you keep following me around?" She inquired, her eyes flicking open. Turning around, she wasn't surprised to come face to face with him—she knew he's been there since they crossed paths earlier.

He'd been following them around, she's well aware of that fact. She just chose to feign a blind eye to it. However, it was becoming annoying, and she could no longer hold it in.

Aahil stood a few feet away from her, his hands tucked in the pocket of his trench-coat. Now staring at him up close, Amina couldn't help but notice how he's changed even if it's only been a little over a year.

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