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I didn't step a foot outside the house for a whole week after that day out with my mother in laws....

I would rather stayed here than sitting there listening to his rich friends bragged about their children and faked complimenting me....

Thankfully there were many things that I could do here in this gigantic castle they called a house...

I had spent my days enjoying their many Impressive book collections in the library, cooking with jin, did a little bit of gardening, went into the pool, and mostly talking to jenny catching up about things in our lives and the incident at my wedding...

I got to learn that everyone was indeed fine and unharmed which I was thankful for....

I didn't want any of the guest to call my wedding day the worst day of life even if this wedding was an arrangement....

Talking about being married, I enjoyed this new life as Mrs jeon just fine since my so called husband was nowhere to be seen and I was not complaining at all....

I wasn't ready to complete my duty as wife for a stranger I knew nothing about...

Jeon boy had to earn his way into me....

"Sir, the Don is back and
is willing to see you in office." Dean informed earning a groan from me as kept my book down the bench I was sitting on....

Speaking of the devil...

"Lead the damn way. And, for the two hundred and twenty eight times call me taehyung." I complained getting up....

"Don jungkook wouldn't like
that. I don't have a death
wish, sir." he said looking
blankly at me before leading the way to my husband's office...

Had this man ever smiled
in his life? I meant since the first he was assigned to protect me all he did was stand there with a stoned face....

The time this bodyguard of mine smiled I would throw him a fucking party....

I followed chan in silence as we walked up the polish marble staircase....

I almost ran In order to keep up with his pace. What a selfish long leg monster...

Couldn't he just slow down a bit. When we finally reached the dark wood door, I was panting trying to catch my breath....

"Go in."

"Don't order me. I might be
new here but I'm your boss's wife. I do whatever I want. " I said daring him uttered another word...

I took a few minutes to calm
down my nerves before going in since I had to show no fear at all....

My stomach stirred slightly in nervousness because it was just a second time that I got to see his highness in person....

With all the forces inside me I pushed the door opened revealing a dark room full of book selves
and a big dark brown desk in the middle....

With all the forces inside me I pushed the door opened revealing a dark room full of book selvesand a big dark brown desk in the middle

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