41. Conversations

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Eyes bearing a tired expression,he dragged his feet along the floor of the hallways, his X and Twenty One Pilots mix blasting through his headphones as usual. Aiden was always a fan of the two artists but the recent events in his life caused him to listen to songs from both more often and more intently.

He sighed as Redecorate came on again,his eyes carefully scanning the hallways as they all stared at him, probably wary of him due to his little display earlier. He momentarily locked eyes with Lucas who stood with the other jocks and Mel next to him, cracking a ghost of a smile to his friends. He was happy that they were still together despite Lucas essentially changing his circle of friends.

He let out a sigh at the thought of his own love life.

'Guess it's not for all of us'

Try as he might, his failed relationship was the last straw that piled up his anger and sadness,which he'd always tried to ignore for years. It'd gotten better momentarily when he started living in Hawkins, but of course nothing good ever lasts for him. Plus, Max had brought up everything he'd been trying to move on from,all while tearing his heart to shreds.

Now all that pain and anger was being let out in small bursts and attempts at self harm,one of which was the time he'd almost killed an enemy ninja with his bare hands while on a mission with Sasuke and Boruto. The Uchiha recognized that level of aggression and immediately stopped the young boy from senselessly taking a life. The second time being the instance where he refused to move out of the way when Naruto was hurling a rasen-shuriken.

And most recently,his relentless battering of Troy which had scored him a visit to the principal's office who immediately directed him to the school counsellor.

He shook his head to try and stop the thoughts, focusing on finding Mrs Kelley's office.

It didn't take long till he found the door labelled "counsellor"

Taking a deep breath,he knocked softly on the door.

"Come in" he heard from the other side.

Aiden shook his head one more time.

'Let's just get this over with... Please don't let her be in there'

As soon as he stepped through the door, Aiden's brown eyes were met with Mrs Kelley's office. He wasn't sure if this is how it was when he watched season 4.

Come to think of it,the more time passed,the more his memory of the show's details seemed to fade.

"Oh,you must be Aiden," Mrs Kelley said, offering him a gentle smile. But Aiden's eyes had picked up on another presence in the room, he'd noticed her almost immediately but he hoped he was just seeing things. Once the counsellor mentioned his name however,she turned her head towards him,blue eyes looking at him.

Aiden blinked.

"Nope," he shook his head. "I'm out this bitch"

"Don't worry," Mrs Kelley said. "Max was just leaving"

The girl stood up from her seat,took one look at Aiden and started to head out of the office. The boy didn't bother looking at her as she walked past him but he could tell she glanced at him again.

Once heard the door close after her,he let out a sigh.

"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable" the woman apologised. Aiden simply hummed in response. "Could you please turn down the music?" .

"Sorry" Aiden paused the Walkman as the chorus of Revenge stopped filling his right ear.

"So Aiden," the counsellor started. "I first of all need you to know that I'm here to help you.. I'm here to talk about anything: what you're thinking, feeling... Your views on the world"

𝘿𝙍𝙄𝙁𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 - Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now