35. The Bite Pt. 2

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The group broke into Bradley's Big Buy,the same store where El had stolen eggos a couple years ago. Jonathan carefully carried Aiden inside while Max and Mike carried Eleven.

"Okay, set them down," Nancy said. Barn then handed Nancy a bottle of rubbing alcohol and gauze pads.

"Let me see," Nancy said. Aiden whimpered, violently shook his head and buried his face in Max's shoulder as she was close enough.

He really didn't want to know what it looked like. It was already hurting like a bitch and his fear of blood would only make it worse.

"It's okay,baby. You don't have to look" the redhead stroked her boyfriend's hair comfortingly, unable to imagine how he and El were feeling.

Nancy pulled up his jeans to see an already bleeding wound and Mel pulled up Eleven's pants to see the same thing.

"What're you doing?" Mel asked as Nancy opened the box of gauze pads.

"Cleaning the wound, " Nancy said.

"No,we need to stop the bleeding, then clean , then disinfect,then bandage" Mel instructed. "My best friend skateboards and Lucas and Aiden are fucking clumsy. Trust me, I've cleaned enough wounds to know what I'm talking about"

"Mike, Max,hold these" Mel handed the two gauze pads which they pressed on the wounds, earning groans of pain from the two injured children.

"I'm sorry," Max whispered.

"Keep the pressure on it nice and firm," Mel instructed.

Mel then looked at the older teens. "We need water,soap..."

Nancy and Jonathan nodded and ran off to get the supplies needed. Lucas emptied all the items in his backpack. "does any of this help"

"No" Max shook her head.

"We need a washcloth and a bowl," Mel said.

"A bowl?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas!" Both girls sternly yelled.

Despite his current condition, Aiden let out a silent laugh from his position in Max's arms... well,her free arm.

"Curls,that tickles" Max chuckled.

"Sorry" he quickly said, his voice muffled as he was still face down on Max's chest.

"Hey,look at me," Max said. Aiden slowly complied and Max saw the dry tear stains on his cheeks. He was still in a lot of pain but he was trying to ignore it.

Max kissed his forehead. "It'll be over soon, okay? You'll both be fine"

'Knowing what's gonna grow in there any second now,I highly doubt'

Aiden felt a hand grip his own, looking in the direction where it came,he saw El looking at him with a weak smile.

"Hi," She said.

"Hey, buddy" he smiled back at her. "I guess we both got fucked up... But at least we'll get matching scars once this is over"

"Yeah" El laughed a little at her friend's attempt at optimism and Aiden squeezed her hand a little, silently comforting her.

"So that thing was the mind flayer?" Mel asked.

"Yeah," Max said.

"The overgrown bastard looks even uglier than what I remember," Aiden said.

"And it's really strong," Max said. "It took both you and El to stop that thing"

"And even so,we just barely managed to wound it," Aiden said.

𝘿𝙍𝙄𝙁𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 - Max MayfieldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant