23. The Snowball

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El had managed to close the gate and stop the Mind Flayer from having access to the regular world and anyone in it. Luckily, everyone who'd gone into the tunnels made it out alive without much injury (unless you count Aiden's shoulder that didn't get any rest at all during the whole thing).

The parents of Barb were finally made to understand what'd happened to her and that they had to keep these things secret to avoid public unrest... Coupled with the fact that all the threats were gone now and Hawkins lab finally got shut down. The couple agreed to the conditions,just grateful to have their daughter back and safe. Although Barb herself would definitely never forget what she'd been through in the past year.

Bob had decided there was no point in moving,at least not this soon after knowing everything the Byers all had to deal with for the past year. Despite Hawkins being the location for all their trauma, their entire support system was also here so the thought of leaving it all behind was just as unimaginable.

Once all the madness had subsided, the party members were all getting ready for the Snowball Dance which happens every year. It would be Aiden's first time going to this dance,or any dance at all for that matter. He was never actually one for social gatherings, seeing as he wasn't that noticed by people anyway,let alone girls... Which is ironic since the boy was pretty good looking,but unfortunately looks weren't nearly enough 40 years into the future. Besides,he'd rather keep to himself than go out just to get ignored.

"Okay, it's fine- I think that's.. Nance, it's fine!"

Nancy had been combing Aiden's hair and helping him get ready, making sure his white shirt was properly tucked into his black pants or that his shoes were clean. It was funny how she was fussing over a pretty basic outfit.

"Hey,I know how you get when you wear outfits like this" Nancy looked at him. "the one time we made you wear a whole suit for a school picture,you were grumpy the whole day"

Aiden had insisted on wearing something formal but not too fancy. The chakra user rolled his eyes at her. "Can I at least roll up my sleeves?"

"If you agree to wear a tie, then sure," Nancy smiled.

"You're mean, y'know that?" Aiden pouted.

"I know,kiddo" Nancy smiled before letting out a relieved sigh. "I'm just glad things finally settled down. I couldn't take anymore craziness"

"You're sprucing up the outfit of a kid who's not supposed to exist in your timeline" Aiden chuckled. "I think you're adapting to the craziness pretty nicely"

"You might have a point," Nancy nodded. "you gonna tell her?"

"I don't know,man," Aiden sighed. "it all happened in a way I don't even understand..."

"That's called love,doofus" Nancy rolled her eyes. "You really should try though"

"We're pretty close already" the newly made Sage ran his hands over his face as Nancy handed him a black tie. "I don't wanna ruin that"

"You never know," Nancy helped him adjust the tie on his neck. "that's what I said about being with Jonathan and now-"

"You're eating each other's faces, I know" Aiden smiled, earning a smack from his adoptive sister. "ow!"

"Don't act smart,short-stack" Nancy finally stepped back to look at him fully.

"I'll have you know, I'm five foot something" Aiden glared at the older girl who just rolled her eyes.

"Mhmm" Nancy tried to contain her smile. "Just go for it. There's every possibility that she likes you too"

Aiden breathed out. She had a solid point though.. the thought of Max always made something in his stomach flip, something about her made her special to him... Probably how she defied every stereotype regarding girls, or maybe how different she was, he wasn't sure. He might've been dense regarding a lot of things, girls included,but he knew what these internal signs meant.

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