25. Suzie,Do You Copy?

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"Two hundred forty-nine... Two hundred and fifty!" Aiden grunted before letting himself fall to the floor, breathing heavily.

"You really did it," Lucas said from his position on Aiden's bed.

"I had to," Aiden exhaled as he cleaned the sweat off his body. "if I didn't,you would never let me live it down"

"Well,yeah," Lucas laughed a little. "What kind of ninja wouldn't know how to do pushups?"

"There's a limit,man," Aiden said, rolling his eyes. "plus, I'm fifteen years old,I can only do so much"

"If you can beat an army of at least two hundred Demodogs, you can do the same number of pushups," Lucas stated.

"Thank goodness you're not a ninja" Aiden shook his head, taking off his shirt. "I'mma go hit the shower"

"Hurry up, we need to head to Dustin's" Lucas called to his friend.

"I know how our schedule works, Sinclair!" Aiden's voice came from inside the bathroom.

About twenty minutes later,Aiden had showered and changed into a red sweatshirt and black skinny jeans,his Vans once again on his feet.

"Alright, let's move" Aiden and Lucas headed downstairs. "Mom, we're heading to Dustin's!"

"Have fun, sweetie," Karen called. ""What about Mike?"

"He's most likely there already!"

"Alright,honey! Be safe!"

"Love you!" Aiden said before both boys headed out the door. "alright, let's go"

Aiden placed an arm around Lucas' neck and once again,employed the flying Thundergod technique, instantly teleporting them out of the Wheeler residence.

Both boys instantly appeared at Dustin's place, inside his house to be exact,right next to the others.

"Hey guys,girls!" Aiden waved and then turned to Max with a smile. "... And special girl"

The redhead rolled her eyes and pecked his lips. "Hey, Curls"

"Is everything set up?" He asked.

"Yeah," Mike nodded. "We just need Dustin to show up. Aiden noticed El standing beside Mike and gave the girl a wide smile which she couldn't help but return.

They soon heard a click from the garage door which signalled that Dustin was back. They all immediately took their hiding places as Dustin walked into the house, complaining about how no one was picking up.

El then started to use her telekinesis to make all Dustin's toys move and beep at once. The curious boy followed the moving toys all the way out of his room while the Party tried to keep their giggles in... Aiden wondered how this would play out.

Once the toys stopped, the boy wanted to crouch down so he could inspect the toys, unaware that his friends had snuck up behind him with a banner that read "Welcome Home,Dustin"

Max counted to three with her fingers and everyone either blew on noisemakers or yelled "Welcome Home!"

Startled,Dustin immediately turned around and screamed, accidentally spraying hairspray in Lucas' eyes. Unfortunately,Aiden was also in the range of Dustin's spraying as he didn't even spray in a particular direction.

"Owww!!" Aiden lost his balance and fell over, covering his eyes at the pain. "Holy fucking shit, that hurts!"

"I'm sorry," Dustin said. "I told you not to sneak up on me!*

"I didn't think you were serious!" Lucas screamed while Aiden still groaned in pain as Max tried to help him up.

"Okay,just put his eyes under running water" Melanie instructed Max.

𝘿𝙍𝙄𝙁𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 - Max MayfieldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin