Chapter 15: Y/N's training arc (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Belated Merry Christmas and advance Happy New Year, everyone! I'm back for now because it's my holiday break from College. This is the first part of Y/N's training arc. I haven't decided how many chapters I will do for the training before I make him fight Beldia but I promise that I won't make him so overpowered (Y/N will be strong but not crazily strong like those light novels and web novels MC). I might drop some fantasy related stuff in this story and Y/N may or may not break the fourth wall (I'll try to limit it in case I really did) I hope you enjoy reading!  

Reader's POV

"Ah, I remember the pranks that Dahlia's pets did in the past. Would you like to hear them while we're waiting for my father to return?" Gary-san asked

"Yes!" I nodded excitedly

"Hmm...Where do I start?" Gary-san murmured, "Aha! I'll tell you about my sister's pets first prank..." Thus, Gary-san narrated his story with actions.

'I can't understand what he's talking about,' I thought because he can't stop laughing while he was narrating his story.

"No one will understand you if you keep on laughing while you're telling a story," Barry-san said after he appeared out of nowhere.

"Welcome back, Barry-san. Are my friends mad at me for leaving without telling anyone?" 

"When I arrived in Solar's inn, that blue haired gal wants to go with you after your friends were done reading your letter but other than that, they are doing their usual antics. I told them that my son and I are going to train you before I left." Barry-san replied

"I'm glad they understand," I told him as I thought to myself, 'I can already imagine the chaos they're causing. I hope someone can restrain them while I'm gone.'

"Don't worry about your friends. I'm sure Solar can keep them in line," Barry-san told me once he noticed my expression then he added, "Anyway, before I teach you how to teleport, what are your thoughts about magic?"

"I believe magic alters the perception of the world around us. It requires intent, focus, power, and knowledge to perform magic," I replied

"Good point. In my opinion, magic can be summarize in one word: Belief. A long time ago, there are no silly incantations and foolish wand-waving or staff-waving people. They just made it happened. A lot of scholars are still debating about the creation of magic until present time but there's no conclusion yet," Barry-san told me before he added, "Anyway, we're not here to talk about magical theory, are we? Let's talk about teleportation."

"Thank goodness, he didn't about talked about those theories or else we'll be stuck here for a looooooong time!" Gary-san exaggeratedly complained.

"On second thought, maybe I'll tell you about Merli-" Barry-san said but was interrupted by his son's shout.


"I'm kidding."

'Hello kidding. I'm Kuroka!' the matagot said in my head which caused me to laugh a bit which made them looked at me weirdly.

"Don't mind me. I'm just enjoying your conversation," I replied

"Anyway, teleportation is an act of moving instantly from one place to another. Wizards and Witches from the old days used a similar technique called Apparition where you'll feel like you're squeezed into a tube or something before you can instantly go to your destination but there's a complication if you're not focused," Barry-san said then he muttered under his breath, 'Just a couple body parts missing, no big deal.'

"Thankfully, my grandfather's best friend invented a Teleportation skill which will only require a destination and adequate power to use. The steps are easy to understand: first, you'll have to identify your destination. Don't worry, I'll give you a copy of my special map that you can use if you don't know where you are going. The second step is to focus your magic and determination while you imagine the location.  After that, you'll be able to teleport anywhere without limits unless you ran out of mana," he added before he showed me an empty parchment.

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