Chapter 9: Occlumency practice and the Undead hunt

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Author's note: Hello! This chapter is a mix of the novel, manga, and a figment of my creativity. If the characters seem off, then let's blame alternate reality *tries to wink but miserably fails* I hope you enjoy reading!

Reader's POV

Kiara and I were currently waiting at Solar-san's room. All I can remember was Solar-san dragged us inside the inn, and then she quickly pushed my familiar and I toward a room when she saw that nobody was watching us.

'Everything happened so fast!' I thought when Solar-san left the room and went to her kitchen to prepare a meal.

"I should read the tome about occlumency while waiting for her," I thought out loud as I decided to do something to pass time.

Several minutes later, I finally finished reading. The tome looked thick, but the principle was easy to understand. There's no specific way to defend your mind,you have to discover it yourself by experience. I closed my eyes to start the process. I've decided to defend my mind using an imaginary thick and tall walls surrounding my brain and then cover it with an imaginary invisibility cloak. I'm not sure if it would work, so I added extra protection by imagining the function of a fidelius charm. I'm confident that no one can read my mind or possess me due to my defenses, but just to be safe, I also added a boggart.

A/N:  The fidelius charm is a very powerful spell used to hide things or places, or to conceal secrets while a boggart is a shape-shifting non-being that took on the form of its observer's worst fear.

'I'm done! I think I overdid it bit,but it's better to be safe than sorry,' I thought before I opened my eyes just in time to see Solar-san leaning towards me.

"Oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'm about to tell you that the meal is ready, but you fell asleep," she replied with a blush before she quickly moved away.

"I'm sorry, I was practicing my occlumency earlier while I am waiting for you," I replied

'One wrong move and we might accidentally kiss each other earlier,' I thought, but I immediately used my occlumency to prevent me from blushing.

"How's the practice with your occlumency? Have you made progress?" she curiously asked

"I've started to learn about it and managed to create my defenses today, but I need someone to test it," I replied

"That's incredible! S- I mean, my former leader is a master of the mind arts, but it took her two days to finish her defense, although it only took her a couple minutes to learn legilimency. I'm not surprised because she is naturally curious about everything like a child, so it often leads us to trouble, but when it comes to fighting, she's capable of defeating anyone in her way."

"Wow, she's amazing! Did you learn any mind arts from her?"

"She tried to teach us how to use occlumency and legilimency but failed. She didn't know how to teach people. In the end, Sel- I mean my friend and I were taught by Barry-san. If you want someone to test your occlumency, then you should return to the tome shop. I'm sure that old man can teach you anything that can help you against your enemies. After all, he is the-" Solar-san replied, but she was interrupted by Kiara's cry.

"I totally forgot about our meal! I'm so sorry, Kiara!" I told my familiar before I rushed to my familiar to feed her the food that Solar-san prepared then I faced towards Solar-san.

"Let's continue our discussion after we eat," I said

She nodded in agreement after she had laughed, and then she replied, "You're going to spoil her someday,"

"I know," I said as we finally began to eat.

Third Person's POV

Meanwhile, at the adventurers guild with Kazuma and co.

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