Chapter 5: Regrets, Thief, and Emergency quest

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A/N: Trigger warning for themes, read at your own risk!

Last time on Konosuba x Male reader

Y/N and his party gained two new members after they completed their first quest. With the addition of a loli ticking bomb and a masochistic crusader, how will they affect the journey of Y/N's party? Let's find out!


The next day, I woke up to an unfamiliar surroundings. It took me a while to realize that everything that happened yesterday was not a dream. All memories of my family flashed inside my mind while I cried silently.

'Mom, Dad, I'm sorry for keeping my hobby a secret. If I didn't attend the concert that day, I should still be alive!' I guiltily thought before I calmed down, 'I shouldn't blame myself. Everybody dies when it is their time. I should be grateful to Aqua-sama for giving me a second chance to live,' I muttered silently before I went out of my room.

"Good morning, Y/N-kun! If you're looking for your party members, they already went to the guild!" Solar-san greeted me after she noticed me.

"Thank you for informing me, I'll be on my way-" I said but was interrupted.

"Wait! You don't look so good!"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," I told her

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" she yelled as I flinched. Luckily, there are no customers at this hour.

"Sorry, it's just... You have the same look as my friend before she said goodbye permanently without saying anything. Don't bottle up your feelings inside your heart, or else you'll end up like... like her. If you need someone to talk to, I am here, in case you need it. Remember that you're not alone!" she sympathetically told me before I decided to share what's on my mind.

"I kept a secret from my parents for several years. The last time we talked was about my safety, but... something terrible happened to me before I met Aqua-sama and Kazuma-san. I was kil- almost killed by a bad man and his crew due to their greed, but Aqua-sama saved me using her skills so without her, I'll probably die. Kazuma-san thinks that she is useless, but I beg to differ; She might be an airhead to others, but to me, she's a very essential healer of our party, that's why I'm grateful. I am not close enough with Kazuma-san, but I believe he can help us fight even though he says that he is the weakest. Megumin-san is like a ticking bomb that will explode once she's lit, and our newest member is a crusader with a tough defense even though she likes to be hit. Our party might be eccentric, but we will do our best to achieve our goals!" I said with conviction while Solar-san listened before she held my hand.

"You went through a lot of hardships before you met your party. I'm proud of you for persevering! I may not be able to give you advices but you can lean on me whenever you want, okay?" she told me with a wink in order to ease the atmosphere.

"Thank you for listening, Solar-san!"

"Anything for my Y/N-kun!" she teasingly said before my stomach rumbled.

"I'll prepare my specialty for you, Y/N-kun," she said as she quickly went to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she returned while holding a tray with  fried frogs' meat. I immediately tried to eat all of it in one go because I was hungry, but I didn't know that Solar-san's specialty is...

"SPWICY!!!!" I exclaimed with my mouth full of meat before she gave me a milk.

"Thanks," I told her after I digested everything.

"Is it delicious?"

"Aside from being spicy, it's delicious, but why didn't you tell me that it was spicy?"

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